Giant Defy 5.. a terrible mistake?

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It's not summer yet, but it's nearly spring.. Time to upgrade methinks! :reading:

Initially was tempted by the looks of a Bianchi Via Nirone Dama, but I came to my senses and currently I'm divided between
a./ Cannondale Synapse 105
b./ Cube Peloton Race (triple or compact.. decisions, decisions)

Any suggestions? :blink:
I'm very biased and would recomend sticking to your first choice,although i do love the Cube:thumbsup:
I was reading through this thread thinking that you was riding a defy when we met recently but then I looked at the date of the posts :-) ..

As it happens, I've been doing a little bit of window shopping in advance of a big birthday later in the year and the synapse does light my candle (but then so does the CAAD 8, must be a cannondale thing :-) ) but there's a lot of choice with that kind of budget.


Yes, you are right.. I am riding the Defy at the moment. The plan was to last until (or after) summer before thinking to upgrade, but...:rolleyes:
So, initially I thought to go for a small upgrade (in the region of £800.00 or so) -and that's when I fell for the Bianchi, with a little help from Chris lol-, but that wouldn't make any difference really.
So up goes the budget (to £1100 -ish) and here comes confusion (as usual).
First decision: Do I go for a low-end carbon, or a high (-ish) end alloy/carbon. Decision made for the later.
Now, I have 2 months to search, ask and change my mind before I decide..
I like the caad 8 as well, but again it would not make a massive difference to the Defy, is it?
I'm very biased and would recomend sticking to your first choice,although i do love the Cube:thumbsup:

I would have, if I was to stick to the original budget of £800.00, but with £1100.00 there is an awful lot of choice and I'm not convinced the Via Ironed is the best.. Not sure though..


also available in orange
Decisions, decisions eh? :smile:.

The way I look at is that it's not really worth upgrading a little bit, rather go for something that will make a difference and hopefully last some time rather than regretting it. So for me I'm looking at the 105 groupset and a decent alloy frame (as opposed to a cheaper carbon frame), everything else is easily upgradable.

The way I read it, is that both the defy and the synpase/CAAD8 has the same frame throughout the range, it's the groupset, wheels and the rest of the kit gets better as you spend more money. The Defy 1 gets a lot of love as do the Canondales so I guess it's down to how much your budget is :smile:. But Chris' Bianchi is rather tasty and that Italian 'thing' mmmmm.....

I went the opposite way to you and got the carbon frame/forks. Had the same dilema. Solved it by popping along to the LBS and trying various models. I bought the one that fitted my riding style best. Love that bike ^_^
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