Giant Defy 5.. a terrible mistake?

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I should clarify - I wouldn't choose to wear myself per se, but if I were to recommend from the perspective of a person who makes shoes professionally. I am a bloke, yes ;)

Is that you or someone you know? Either way it's rare to find a man knowing anything at all about fashion designers, let alone behind the scenes stories.. :laugh:


Well-Known Member
Ahah, that would be me. It's mostly men in fashion though isn't it really - McQueen, Dior, Marc Jacobs, Nicholas Kirkwood, Yves Saint Laurent et al
Has she signed for Omega Pharma Quick Step yet?


Über Member
Just noticed where you're from Marshmallow,we're just up the road from you,hows the Giant performing and if you ever fancy a fellow female riding buddy my wife has the same bike and would like to ride with another girl,i think she gets a bit "bloked" out riding with me everytime.
Well, did the earth move or what ?

Still out there, rides so well decided to keep on until Lands End.

Has she signed for Omega Pharma Quick Step yet?

:laugh::laugh: I was planning to give feedback accompanied by a photo of Ruben (yes, I named him Ruben indeed!), but he was too muddy after the ride and when he was at last clean (ofcourse after a proper bubble bath, sauna, aromatherapy massage, egyptian cotton pj's on etc) it was time to go.. so.. photo evidence will have to wait until tomorrow!! :shy:
But, yes, he is lovely!!! Smooth and a lot lighter than what I'm used to (ok, maybe not compared to a carbon one, but for me feels like a feather) and quick! I'm very happy!! :bravo:
I was very pleased to find out that the stem is absolutely fine and will not need changing, the saddle however.. lets say .. I felt it!!! :laugh: So, yes, new -womens specific- saddle and mudguards immediately!!!!

..and also.. thank you all for the interest!! You're very sweet! :hugs:
Just noticed where you're from Marshmallow,we're just up the road from you,hows the Giant performing and if you ever fancy a fellow female riding buddy my wife has the same bike and would like to ride with another girl,i think she gets a bit "bloked" out riding with me everytime.

Well, I'm riding to Bedford almost every other day!!! And, by all means, if your wife fancies some company PM me a mobile or something to arrange our outings! It would be great!!! :thumbsup:
It's not summer yet, but it's nearly spring.. Time to upgrade methinks! :reading:

Initially was tempted by the looks of a Bianchi Via Nirone Dama, but I came to my senses and currently I'm divided between
a./ Cannondale Synapse 105
b./ Cube Peloton Race (triple or compact.. decisions, decisions)

Any suggestions? :blink:


also available in orange
I was reading through this thread thinking that you was riding a defy when we met recently but then I looked at the date of the posts :-) ..

As it happens, I've been doing a little bit of window shopping in advance of a big birthday later in the year and the synapse does light my candle (but then so does the CAAD 8, must be a cannondale thing :-) ) but there's a lot of choice with that kind of budget.

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