Give me some dialogue from your day

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Had to phone a patient today reference an urgent appointment....

Phone gts picked up

Small child "Hello"
Me "Hello there"
Small child" I'm not allowed to answer the phone"
Me "Is you mum or dad there?"
Small child "I'm not allowed to talk to you"
Me "Is there anyone else with you?"
Adult voice from background "Who is it?"
Small Child "A man"
Adult voice "Let me have the phone"
Adult " They are only allowed to talk to their grandparents, which is why she wouldn't talk to you"
Woman one: well... You know we're saving up for a ring?....
Woman two: O M G !!! Wow!!! No!!! I didn't... Wow! Congratulations!
Woman one:... Well, yeah, either that or an iPhone
Woman two: :|


Father walking on pavement with 4/5? yo child: Erica, can you hear me ?
Child: ....
Father; Erica, can you hear me ?
Child: ....
Father: You can't shake your head and say 'No' !
the best dialogue of my day was in my head and mainly consisted of...

"stay calm, don't get too excited and definitely don't try and stroke the adder that is just a few feet away"... i went on a snake search this morning and got within reach of some basking adders. amazing to see them so close.


Had to phone a patient today reference an urgent appointment....

Phone gts picked up

Small child "Hello"
Me "Hello there"
Small child" I'm not allowed to answer the phone"
Me "Is you mum or dad there?"
Small child "I'm not allowed to talk to you"
Me "Is there anyone else with you?"
Adult voice from background "Who is it?"
Small Child "A man"
Adult voice "Let me have the phone"
Adult " They are only allowed to talk to their grandparents, which is why she wouldn't talk to you"

Reminds me of the time one of mine answered the phone while I was in the kitchen, and told me it was Grandpa. I left her having a fine old chat with him while I got the dinner going and then took the phone to find out it was some cold calling salesman!


Legendary Member
Earlier this week, young lad in the changing rooms, 8 or 9 at a guess. I've met him before a couple of times - he has lessons every Monday, about the time I swim. It was my SPDs got us chatting...he was very intrigued by the whole idea of clipping into your pedals. This week's chat ended with:

Boy: I've got a new teacher this week
Me: New teacher?
Boy: Yes
Me: You've never had him before?
Boy: Nope. (Getting ready to leave.)
Me: Hope it goes well with your new teacher.
Boy: (earnestly) I'll tell you all about it next week. Bye.


Legendary Member
Wife to myself...
'Want a jellybaby ?'
'Oooh yes please'
She shakes TWO jellybabies into my opened palm. TWO :ohmy:..out of a big bag ^_^
'Giz some more :huh:, you tightwad'
'No, you never buy me sweets :dry:'
'WHAT !!!!, no, i don't buy sweets...but i do buy you a Subway when we're out spend £1 on a bag of sweets, i spend £5 on your Subway..lets see......:huh: '

All this is done with a grin on both our faces...some of our usual verbal jousting :laugh:..i got my jellybabies :wahhey:
New guy just arrived in the next door holiday home tried chatting me up. His road bike is on the roof of the his car and I'm outside cleaning the chains on our 2 road bikes after today's ride.
next line was "I'm doing a 60 miler tomorrow..."
"yeh - so am I" :becool:
Not sure it was the response he was after - he left without saying another word and I'm left wondering what I've said! Think I may have meant to have been more impressed!


West of Scotland
In Tesco tonight and there's a table setup with some reduced electrical items. A special edition Olympic Panasonic Lumix S3 caught my eye.

Me to Tech boy standing beside table - that looks good buy.
Tech boy - its got 14 megapixel and 4 x optical zoom.
Me: do you know size of screen?
Tech boy - no. If you take it up to the photolab desk tell them Jonathan sent you and its to be £25 :smile:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Tannoy Announcement towards the end of the Model Railway show today:

"This is to remind the person who left their coat in reception, that their coat is in reception."

There had been a steady stream of amusing lost property announcements, including a single lens from some glasses, a piece of tube, a packet of knife blades and "Could the person who recently purchased some hay bales please return to the stall".


Legendary Member
Wife to myself...
'Want a jellybaby ?'
'Oooh yes please'
She shakes TWO jellybabies into my opened palm. TWO :ohmy:..out of a big bag ^_^
'Giz some more :huh:, you tightwad'
'No, you never buy me sweets :dry:'
'WHAT !!!!, no, i don't buy sweets...but i do buy you a Subway when we're out spend £1 on a bag of sweets, i spend £5 on your Subway..lets see......:huh: '

All this is done with a grin on both our faces...some of our usual verbal jousting :laugh:..i got my jellybabies :wahhey:

And risk of making us look like sweetaholics, which we're not :blush:
Me to wife...
'Giz another piece of liquorice :hungry:'
I hold my hand out...she places said piece of liquorice in my hand....i look at it.....:huh:
'What happened to the other half :angry:'



Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
NT: What do you want me to do with your leftover pastry slice? (Too much in one for me, there was a bit left)
Me: Put in on a plate in the fridge please. I'll have it for lunch tomorrow or something.
NT: Oh. Not in my tummy then?
Me: No. I love you, but not that much!

(Chorizo, pepper and sweetcorn, on a base of cream cheese, on a puff pastry slice. Very simple, and lovely!)


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
So, I push my tray to the till and hot drink servery at the Railway Museum. Girl behind counter looks at me.

Me: Two teas please.
Girl, turns to workmate who is talking to someone else, having overheard him: Oh, do you work at Wagamamas?
Him: <something or other about shifts>
Girl looks at me again.
Me: Two teas please.
Girl: Right. <inspects our cake choices, taps on till buttons> £8.35
NT hands over cash.
Me: Two teas?
Girl: Oh! <makes a tea and hands it over>
Me: TWO teas!
Girl: Oh. <makes another tea>

All the time, chatting to her workmate.

Honestly, how hard can it be?


Corn Fed Hick...
...on the slake
Standing behind man with small children at parking ticket machine.

Man - Come on, put the money in nice and quick, there's a queue.

Me -

Man - ok, and another coin.

Me -

Man - and another one.

Me - *sigh*

Man - and another one.

Me -

Man - and another one.

Me - gnnnnnnn

Man - and another one, get the ticket.

Me - [mutters] hallefugginlujah!
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