Give me some dialogue from your day

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me: Oh fer fecks sake! I plugged in my new hi-fi amp, only to find that my old hi-fi amp wasn't dropping out on the LH channel on both tape inputs, but my PC is only putting sound out on the RH channel...

Do you speak english too??.....................;)


Corn Fed Hick...
Me: Where is it?
Mrs 3BM: On the thingy
Me: Help me to narrow it down, what's a thingy?
Mrs 3BM: You know, next to the whatsit


De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
3BMcG, you can't yet tell the difference between a thingy and a whatsit... what hope is there?


Marie Attoinette Fan
'Touch wood, I've never p'tured twice in a day!', I went on to p'ture 4 times :-(


Me: 12 months free internet added for you.
Customer: no, I want a year
Me: yes 12 months is a year
Customer: no I want a year
Me: there are 12 months in a year and I have added 1 year free internet for you!

Sent from my HTC Desire S using Tapatalk


Legendary Member
Me: 12 months free internet added for you.
Customer: no, I want a year
Me: yes 12 months is a year
Customer: no I want a year
Me: there are 12 months in a year and I have added 1 year free internet for you!

Sent from my HTC Desire S using Tapatalk
Very good. It reminded me of a link someone put here a while a go to a site containing such client/customer interactions, it took me ages to read through the whole lot.
I can't help thinking it should have gone like this:

You: 12 months free internet added for you.
Customer: no, I want a year
You: yes, 12 months is a year
Customer: no, I want a year
You: I'm sorry,I'll tell you what, I'll do better than that for you, I'll give you 52 weeks free, how about that?
Customer: Ta
Phones put down

You: tw*t.


Me to self upon noticing blue flashing light in rear-view mirror; "oh dear" (or words to that effect;))
Policeman;"are you by any chance late for work this morning?"
Me;(shamefaced) Umm...yes
Policeman;"thought so, seeing as you were doing 39 past the police station.Where it is actually 30"
Me; Oh. really sorry?
Policeman;well, slow down, ok.Just drive a bit slower in future.
Me;yep, I will, I promise.
Me back in car; PHEW :sweat:


At the checkout at M&S food hall, me holding a shopping bag at the ready.

Check out girl: "Are you OK packing"

Checkout girl and Mrs VC both turn to look at me

Me: "You both looked at me like a wonky puppy then, of course I know how to pack a bag, I'm a bloke, not a chimp"


Re member eR
'Going anywhere nice for your holidays this year?'

Guess who?

Yep - hairdresser.

I thought you were going to say your significant other.


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
me: Oh fer fecks sake! I plugged in my new hi-fi amp, only to find that my old hi-fi amp wasn't dropping out on the LH channel on both tape inputs, but my PC is only putting sound out on the RH channel...

me: you bloody idiot!! I realised i'd just spent £160 to replace a perfectly good amp when all i needed was a £10 sound card. :wacko:

and from today...

Me: oh fer fecking fecks sake!

...after fitting new sound card and still only have one bloody speaker :sad:


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!


That is supposed to be a wolf whistle smiley but its not very good but its all I could find ............... sorry


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