Good grief, What's happened to Coronation street..

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Time you enjoyed wasting was not wasted
My mum went to the same school as Jean Alexander (Hilda Ogden) who I was once in the same queue as in Nationwide Building Society.

My mum says she doesn't watch Corrie any more because everyone is jumping into bed with each other. Flipping heck, Mum, it's hardly a porn show.

My wife is an avid fan and never misses it, she does complain about the extreme story lines now though.


The Glue that binds us together.
It went down hill when Arthur Lowe left.
Then we had Dads Army. Loved it.


Not part of the Elite
South Tyneside
Not a fan myself, but Mrs @BoldonLad has to have her fix. This always mystifies me, since she is an intelligent person (well, she did make one mistake, I know, ie me).

Many years ago, when I worked, I was (at one stage) an IT Contractor and worked in many offices. On one occasion, I was working at the offices of a well known Manufacturer of Crisps, the department head was a very switched on young woman. I noticed that she was frequently in conversation with other women in the office, on the subject of "the soaps", including Coronation Street, and, horror of horrors, Big Brother. One day, I could resist no longer and asked her, do you really watch that sh*te? Her reply, "I have to, otherwise, I would have nothing to talk to them about".


Richmond ,Surrey
Sez the poster from the Home Counties ^_^

Ah but !!
as a Lad I lived in a very similar street near Oldham , so a bit of s look in to terraced houses and the neighbours ,
When I was 19 I went to Granada Studios, I told them I could be a character in the soap ,
What could you
bring to the 'Street' I was asked ,
well , I could be a womaniser , fraud , confidence trickster , local thug , murderer , ..... stop right there said them , no room in a family show for an undesirable like like that !
mmmm , wonder what made them change their minds !!!
One of my friends from my uni days is one of Corrie's chief script writers. We were all ridiculously excited when he got the job because it seemed so glamorous. My claim to fame (such as it is) is that Reg and Maureen Holdsworth's wedding episode was written in my flat when he was staying with us! (1994)
He is a very talented guy who picks up on snippets of conversation whenever he is out and about which work their way into the script.
So if your script writer friend has heard a snippet of a conversation about a scouse builder murdering several people and burying them in concrete hadn't he ought to inform the police?...I still watch corrie:banghead:

captain nemo1701

Space cadet. Deck 42 Main Engineering.
Don't worry, there are tried & tested methods of propping up ratings of flagging soaps:

1. A wedding (which inevitably goes wrong).
2. Murder someone.
3. Bring back an old character.


Leg End Member
Don't worry, there are tried & tested methods of propping up ratings of flagging soaps:

1. A wedding (which inevitably goes wrong).
2. Murder someone.
3. Bring back an old character.
You mean like bringing back the one who shot & killed Ernie Bishop?
"In prison" when he returned to The Street.


That boxing match was so unrealistic. I’ve been hit while boxing with the head Gaurds on by bigger stronger people than David Platt. When you use the heavy gloves and head gaurds it’s hard to knock someone out badly. All that anger of been date raped must have turned him into a pro super middleweight for 10 seconds.


Don't worry, there are tried & tested methods of propping up ratings of flagging soaps:

1. A wedding (which inevitably goes wrong).
2. Murder someone.
3. Bring back an old character.
You missed out an explosion and the long drawn out reveal of who died and who survived.
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