Got swore at on camera...

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New Member
Cambridge someone in a van emblazoned with the name and logo of one of the shops on the local suburban shopping court. The new toy (the Muji) is still just that, a new toy, so I'm carrying it around and filming things on my commute and all over the place to get a feel for it as a camera. Anyway, in response to her needlessly blocking the road for me (in front of her) and another cyclist (who I know from the allotments, nice old chap I often see on the road) behind her, and to the two of us exchanging comments about what the heck she was doing, I got challenged as to what I was saying and on explaining thus invited to 'go and ****' myself, and given a rude gesture.

So the question is, do I go and send the footage straight in to youtube, do I go and tell them in the shop, do I do nothing, or do I just loudly rubbish the shop at each and every opportunity?


Rider of Seolferwulf
South London
Put it on youtube, and then go in and tell the shop to search for their shop name and/or van reg on youtube. Sometimes you have to wait a day or so if you didn't get the youtube title in straight away before youtube will re-index their search results.


CC Neighbourhood Police Constable
Clearly a Section 5 Offence...I would certainly bring it to the attention of the shop and probably speak to the them the video and ask for a visit with words of advice given....They may even feel inclined to cover the cost of the visit with an £80 ticket... especially as you and the old bloke were feeling alarmed harassed and distressed...
Or let me know the details on a pm and I'll speak to them my self CAB

jonny jeez

Legendary Member
Your missing the big picture.

go into shop, pick up all the most expensive articles you can find, ask for assistance carrying them about the shop as you pick more, eventually get all the staff running about helping you pick all the best most expensive items and carry them to the cash desk ...go up to desk with credit card in hand, let them ring it all up....then ask if they recognise you, if they dont then say, well I recognise you,

then turn and walk out and leaving the you-tube address on a greetings card (shaped like a credit card) saying "have a nice day".

...Julia roberts would be proud!!


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Certainly bad publicity... have a word as it's not acceptable behaviour.

I got beeped at and the 'banker' sign from a passenger last night - all on camera. My 'offence'.......... pulling up by the side of a neighbour who was also cycling home and having a chat.... (mainly about it getting warm and him just getting into clipless pedals) loads of other drivers had passed us without a problem.
I'll be posting a video later of a bus driver who after cutting me up, decided to tell me that I should be in the cycle lane and then proceeded to give me the coffee hand shake and the finger. All of this with his company details in huge big letter on the video. He didn't seem to care about me video it. He might when his boss calls him into the office.

Youtube it and send them the link.


Rider of Seolferwulf
South London
magnatom said:
Youtube it and send them the link tell them to search for company name and or van registration.

FTFY. It has a lot more impact that way, IMO.


New Member
Vikeonabike said:
Clearly a Section 5 Offence...I would certainly bring it to the attention of the shop and probably speak to the them the video and ask for a visit with words of advice given....They may even feel inclined to cover the cost of the visit with an £80 ticket... especially as you and the old bloke were feeling alarmed harassed and distressed...
Or let me know the details on a pm and I'll speak to them my self CAB

Not enough to feel alarmed or harassed really, just an example of someone being pointlessly rude in a company van. And while I did tell her as she drove off that I'd tell the police, I think that would be a bit more harsh than is necessary. But thanks for the offer, one day I'm sure I'll take you up on one of those ;)
BentMikey said:
FTFY. It has a lot more impact that way, IMO.

It probably does, but I am concerned that by making the management search for the video might annoy them a little. I'd rather keep the person who will be doling out any punishment on my side.

Just my way of doing things.


New Member
If its relevant, its a tiny little business, and I'll be most surprised if there are more than two or three people involved in it.

I'll process the footage later on and drop a disc off at the shop, see what they say.


Jaffa Cake monster
Manchester, UK
fossyant said:
Certainly bad publicity... have a word as it's not acceptable behaviour.

I got beeped at and the 'banker' sign from a passenger last night - all on camera. My 'offence'.......... pulling up by the side of a neighbour who was also cycling home and having a chat.... (mainly about it getting warm and him just getting into clipless pedals) loads of other drivers had passed us without a problem.
Similar to Tharg and myself last week - 2 abreast having a chat as we cycled towards the lights at the end of the road.. car behind beeped and then overtook. When we caught up (all of 300m down the road) I politely asked why the lady had beeped us, to which she replied that "you're going to get yourselves killed riding like that" and when I pointed out that we were doing almost 20mph, in a 20mph zone and therefore she was breaking the law by overtaking us she simply said "that doesn't matter" followed by "it's not a 20 zone anyway" and "where does it say that?" so I pointed out the School she had passed with the big markings on the road and the signs too... but apparently that still didn't matter. ;)
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