Gravel Bike Riders.

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A quick question. I just noticed in another thread you mentioned swatting for an exam in 1955. I'd hazard a guess you might have been around 15 making you +/- 82 today.

At 68 I'm a bit of a youngster but surely one of the joys of getting older is we've learned how pointless it is to get upset by these things.

Are you really still out in situations where these hooligan gravel guys cause you a problem? 👏👏 if you are.


Grimpeur des terrains plats
Why do Star Fleet spaceships seem to find it necessary to always appear to blast along at warp speed?

It's as though they're on a mission!

If any of us mear space travelers wanted to beat ourselves up in such a way....etc...


Legendary Member
Northern Germany
Dear fellow CC'ers

I offer my sincere and deepest apologies for my actions on this site in the last few years. With scant regard for the feelings of my MTB brethren, I have made inumerable postings extolling the virtues of gravel biking and if this wasn't bad enough i have made numerous ride reports replete with images of gravel riding.

As if these crimes weren't bad enough, several photos have been posted of myself undertaking what can only be described as wanton and furious cycling along many of the hundreds of kilometres of gravel fire roads, here on the Northern German plain.

Raindrops thoughtful post has made me reflect on my actions and realise the psychological harm I must have been inflicting with these posts. I really should have been more thoughtful in my actions and for this I can only apologise from the depths of my heart. I hope my fellow CC'ers can find it within them to accept my apologies and I promise to be more thoughtful in the way I post in the future.

Deleted member 26715

Why do BMW drivers think the outside lanes on motorways were built just for them?

They aren't they have to share them with the Audi drivers, along with Rang Rovers, all other drivers other than Amazon drivers need not apply


More wheels than sense
Cyclist's are terrible people if you;

Ride the wrong bike
Ride a too cheap bike
Ride a too expensive bike ( No one needs .... )
Ride a 'posh' brand
Ride anything from Halfords.
Use too cheap components (Made from Cheese)
Use too expensive components ( No one needs .... )
Ride too fast
Ride too slow
Ride too close.
Use Strava
Don't use Strava
Otherwise we are a wonderful bunch of people.


I like steel bikes and I cannot lie..
I’ve heard tell gravel bikers can also do this.

I've tried but tbh can never get the dogs to stay still long enough...


I like steel bikes and I cannot lie..
Cyclist's are terrible people if you;

Ride the wrong bike
Ride a too cheap bike
Ride a too expensive bike ( No one needs .... )
Ride a 'posh' brand
Ride anything from Halfords.
Use too cheap components (Made from Cheese)
Use too expensive components ( No one needs .... )
Ride too fast
Ride too slow
Ride too close.
Use Strava
Don't use Strava
Otherwise we are a wonderful bunch of people.
Tbh this is just Britain and probably the reason we're still allowing ourselves to be ruled over by such a bunch of corrupt cretins.

As a nation we're supposed to love the underdog. The flip side of this is that many seem to want to separate themselves from, and feel smugly superior to everyone else and will attempt to put this into action regardless of the context :rolleyes:

Rain drops

Active Member
For goodness sake. Some on here need a sense of humour transplant!

For the record I'm 84 (and two thirds) years old, have never previously been on this forum in any guise, and exceedingly enjoy life. So much so, in fact, that I notice others peculiarities and can help laughing at them. (Used to be a Goon Show listener.)

Some nowadays think they have the right to 'cancel' those who do not toe their line. I reject censorship. Too old for that!

If I'm in the wrong place just say so. I see little point in remaining in an unfriendly place.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
I hesitate to raise the issue because I'm sure there is an abundance of 'bees in bonnets', but- Why do Gravel bike riders seem to find it necessary to always appear to blast along at warp speed over rough stony tracks? It's as though they are on a mission! If any of us 'normal' mountain bikers wanted to beat ourselves up in such a way, we'd lock out our suspension and join them, but that isn't the point of us being there. (Rough stony tracks are just access to or from technical places.)

It isn't as if we haven't been there and done that (old 80's rigid bone shaker so called mountain bikes, though not with dropped bars). We still have the bruises, and couldn't wait to be shot of them. Do those gravel zombies with their ever so poker faces (to hide the pain?) really think they are showing us 'over biked' mountain bike suckers what life is all about?

I get the fact that they are faster on the road, though not by that much, but does that really make up for the sheer torture of blurred vision, spitting blood from bitten tongues, and broken expensive false teeth, from the clattering jolts and shocks of rough stone covered tracks? Not b***** likely. (In my opinion.)

What you talkin about Willis ?

Most of the guys I know smash these tracks too on our hardtails or full squashers.

Peter Salt

Yorkshire, UK
For goodness sake. Some on here need a sense of humour transplant!

For the record I'm 84 (and two thirds) years old, have never previously been on this forum in any guise, and exceedingly enjoy life. So much so, in fact, that I notice others peculiarities and can help laughing at them. (Used to be a Goon Show listener.)

Some nowadays think they have the right to 'cancel' those who do not toe their line. I reject censorship. Too old for that!

If I'm in the wrong place just say so. I see little point in remaining in an unfriendly place.
If you want to ride into the sunset, just make sure you don't do it on a MTB - will take you way too long.
For goodness sake. Some on here need a sense of humour transplant!

For the record I'm 84 (and two thirds) years old, have never previously been on this forum in any guise, and exceedingly enjoy life. So much so, in fact, that I notice others peculiarities and can help laughing at them. (Used to be a Goon Show listener.)

Some nowadays think they have the right to 'cancel' those who do not toe their line. I reject censorship. Too old for that!

If I'm in the wrong place just say so. I see little point in remaining in an unfriendly place.

I think that what got people's goat was another post from a cyclist having a go at (in a manner that, if it was meant to be humorous, fell well short) another category of cyclists for no other reason than they don't ride the way you like to. Are they doing anything dangerous to walkers/other cyclists, or stopping you riding the way you want to?

I have a gravel bike, two road bikes, a hybrid and a mountain bike and I ride each one depending on the terrain and how I want to ride that day. I must admit to riding the gravel bike most because many of my rides are a mix of road, canal path, fire roads and the occasional single track, but I am too much of a wimp to ride it on the rougher terrain that my mountain bike is better at.

Just ride your bike, enjoy it, and enjoy the fact that others are out enjoying the cycling they like. At 84 and still riding off-road isn't that enough?
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