Gravel Bike Riders.

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Deleted member 26715

Patronising last post, last straw. Logging out and leaving.
Thank you.

Lol you started the argument then throw out the dummy when it doesn't go your way :laugh::laugh:
Patronising last post, last straw. Logging out and leaving.
Thank you.

I am sorry @Rain drops if you found my post patronising, that was not my purpose and I apologise if it came over that way, but if you start threads that are critical of others' riding preferences or make critical comparisons of frame materials, as you have done recently, then you must be prepared for the inevitable critical responses from a forum that consists of all different types of cyclists, with their own experience and opinions.

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
Some nowadays think they have the right to 'cancel' those who do not toe their line. I reject censorship. Too old for that!
Mod Note:
@Rain drops (who, like the rest of the internet, can read this without being logged in ;)), this is a moderated forum.
You might want to familiarize yourself with the Rules and Guidelines, particularly here.
Slurs. Slurs and insults against groups of people based on negative-stereotyping and obvious generalisations fall into the category of trolling and will be treated as such.
Trolling. Posts that appear to be designed to cause argument or irritate rather than contribute to a constructive discussion are considered trolling and will be treated as such.


The OP was probably just trying to say that they were too focused to say hello. If he caught them up on a tech section they would say ( sorry mate I was in the zone) cycling still has that club/tribe/class culture. Out on the road if you don't fit into their world you are invisible.

Peter Salt

Yorkshire, UK
The OP was probably just trying to say that they were too focused to say hello. If he caught them up on a tech section they would say ( sorry mate I was in the zone) cycling still has that club/tribe/class culture. Out on the road if you don't fit into their world you are invisible.
The OP actually also expressed his opinion on one of the cycling etiquette threads. Said that what annoys him the most is when he's cycling alone and another lonely cyclist comes up and bothers him. It all paints a rather sad picture, actually.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
Why do Gravel bike riders seem to find it necessary to always appear to blast along at warp speed over rough stony tracks?

Because your average speed off road is 4 mph?


North Yorkshire
Cruel, Ming. But funny.

It's a sport for some, and recreation for others, Sallar.

The drama really all was there, Matticus, wasn't it? Exposition, revelation, and so on to comeuppance. Nicely done, I thought.

Hmm, as for flounce - douze points. I reckon the Alpkit wheels guy was way more committed.

Old Drops hasn't gone - he's in the wings, pondering on another of life's depressing, absurd mysteries. He's not Drago. I was wrong. He is Eugene Ionesco AICMFP


North Yorkshire
Unless you are paid, sport is classed as recreation 😅. That's my view.


"I must beat Geoff up that hill this time round."


"Geoff, where are we stopping for coffee?"


Of course it's not binary. It's a Venn diagram (genetics and chemistry no doubt responsible for how much of each you want / can cope with), isn't it?

"Eugene! Must we take this rhinoceros?"

Absurdist cycling: always uphill, never arriving.
I think I can think of a few most likely reasons why gravel riders ride at such speeds.
1. Like myself a lot of gravel riders used to ride road bikes (some still do). I gave up on road cycling because I got into the mindset of not if I get hit by a car but when I get hit by a car and I chose not to wait for the when. Its very unlikely that I am going to be hit by a car on a trail. If the gravel rider gives warning to you which they should imo you have no argument. I always warn walkers and other cyclists that I'm coming through. Walkers I slow down for. I don't use a bell.
2. MTB cranks are much smaller then cranks on gravel bikes. MTBs are made for technical rides where speed is not an issue unless you are going downhill. Fair enough you may have to visit trails in between the technical sections but a gravel rider with the bigger cranks cannot help but go faster than an MTBer.
3. I suppose this isn't really a reason as it touches on 1 and 2 and I am just putting it here to round it off to 3 reasons. Why should us gravel riders slow down for MTBers just because MTBers cannot ride as fast as us. We don't dis you as we ride past, we ride fast past you because gravel bikes are made to travel at speed on the trails.

Deleted member 26715

I think I can think of a few most likely reasons why gravel riders ride at such speeds.
1. Like myself a lot of gravel riders used to ride road bikes (some still do). I gave up on road cycling because I got into the mindset of not if I get hit by a car but when I get hit by a car and I chose not to wait for the when. Its very unlikely that I am going to be hit by a car on a trail. If the gravel rider gives warning to you which they should imo you have no argument. I always warn walkers and other cyclists that I'm coming through. Walkers I slow down for. I don't use a bell.

That very much sounds like the hunted has become the hunter, you were bullied off the road so you took up trail riding fast to bully the slow MTB'ers, the walkers, the horse riders, FFS
That very much sounds like the hunted has become the hunter, you were bullied off the road so you took up trail riding fast to bully the slow MTB'ers, the walkers, the horse riders, FFS

I think you haven't read my post properly. I SLOW DOWN FOR WALKERS. I slow even more down for horse riders. If need be I stop for both. About the MTBers, are you saying we should not pass them. Did I not say I GIVE WARNING TO MTBers BEFORE I PASS THEM. I will
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