England : Greater Manchester Greater Manchester Cycle 2012

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Fan Boy No More.
So, have we decided if this is a 'race' or not yet? :whistle:

Everybody seems to be getting their excuses in :biggrin:
Its not a race.you're not in it ;):biggrin:


Those obsessed with finishing with a good time don't forget your time spent in the feed station DOESN'T count-apparently- so it won't hurt your time(much) to have a quick stop. Enjoy the ride folks and watch out for potholes.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Have fun folks, and remember to expect the unexpected - that rider will abruptly pull out/stop dead in front of you without looking over their shoulder first! :wacko:

Right - I'm off to check out Rutland to see if I agree with totallyfixed and dr_pink's assessment of the county - byeeeeee! :hello:


Just realised the distance - 13.1 miles. What's the betting this will be a test bed for a Manchester Marathon next year (trying to outdo the Trafford Marathon no doubt).

Bit late now but the route goes over the ship canal over the 2 footbridges :eek:-no proper road off/on them too.


Well-Known Member
How lucky were we with the weather? What a great day, lots of smiles, laughs, people out having a good time. A few berks with zero road sense but 99.9% of riders were very rider-aware. I did see one guy almost kill himself though, making that tight left turn off the Mancunian Way onto Chester Road (he almost clipped the kerb on the left). Quite a few fat lads there so I didn't feel embarrassed by the whippets :smile:

I managed an 18mph average. Crossed the start at 08:06:06, the finish at 10:54:50, so by my estimation, 2:48:44.


Über Member
Hope you don't get turned away at the start,it says in the terms and conditions
"fixed gear bikes are not allowed"


I know though I can't see how they can stop me riding on the road ?

Also I think I was the only one without a helmet lol, if it had been a BC TT / race event I would have had to complied though this was just a fun event

Besides I have insurance with BC / CTC. not that it makes any difference.
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