Gym/Weight training

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Well-Known Member
A great idea to go with your Son - having a Gym partner is always beneficial for motivation and I hope his mental health/wellbeing is benefiting (and yours of course).

It depends on what you want out of it? Do you want to bulk up muscle or is it general fitness/flexibility? Is there a trainer/instructor at the gym that can help you or develop a programme for you. When I've been a member in the past that has always been a prerequisite - to have an induction and set up a programme.

These days I do all my exercises at home and use resistance bands rather than weights. As well as some strength they also require some balance/stability to perform which I find beneficial. I do a selected variety of exercises using these plus some static bike (if I can't get out), some core work and pilates type exercises for mobility. I think most Gyms have resistance bands now and I'd recommend giving them a try to see if they suit you.


67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Motivation for cycling these days is zero. However I recently joined the local gym , I’m going with one of my sons mostly for his mental health and wellbeing. However I actually feel quite motivated to go myself now. Any Advice for good program to follow?

Gym instructor will be able to offer good advice based on your specific needs.


Legendary Member
Depends on so many factors, probably best to get some initial coaching.

I've switched to the 7/7 system routine used by Jason Momoa, who is a similar height and natural build to myself, and I'm doing well well off it, but I've been lifting since my teens so have nearly 40 years of experience and insight into what works for me. I'm doing alright, not as bulky as I used to be but still more lean meat than most 55 year olds...


And a picture of Jason Momoa to compare...


While not directly helpful you will find this article interesting and informative, particularly Peter Koch's comments about the value of resistance training as we age...
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I started resistance training about 18 months ago.
I knew that joining a gym wasn't going to be a good fit for me so I bought some home equipment and joined an online gym. For £4.99 a month, I can choose from a range of filmed workouts which I can cast from my phone to a TV.


Huge Member
Fly Fifer
To all , I think I can book an induction . So may go with that . It’s the local council trust gym, and I have corporate discount as well . So not stupidly expensive . It’s only a mile ip the road as well . It’s really mostly to support my son but im now seeing it as a challenge for me !


Legendary Member
I've built my own gym at home, but there is a visceral pleasure to be had I. Strutting through a gym in a muscle vest, lats spread, head and shoulders taller than everyone else.

A tip. When looking at gyms, the seedier and more run down back street establishments with sweat dripping off the walls are nearly always friendlier places than the big shiny chrome plated big-name-chains. People go to the former to workout, and the latter to pose and ponce about. Hopefully a carnci trust gym will be closer to the former.


Huge Member
Fly Fifer
I've built my own gym at home, but there is a visceral pleasure to be had I. Strutting through a gym in a muscle vest, lats spread, head and shoulders taller than everyone else.

A tip. When looking at gyms, the seedier and more run down back street establishments with sweat dripping off the walls are nearly always friendlier places than the big shiny chrome plated big-name-chains. People go to the former to workout, and the latter to pose and ponce about. Hopefully a carnci trust gym will be closer to the former.
Ahh yes PureGym is apparently full of insta and tik tok wanna bees . Council gym is smaller but off peak is very quiet ! Will suit my son !
I've built my own gym at home, but there is a visceral pleasure to be had I. Strutting through a gym in a muscle vest, lats spread, head and shoulders taller than everyone else.

A tip. When looking at gyms, the seedier and more run down back street establishments with sweat dripping off the walls are nearly always friendlier places than the big shiny chrome plated big-name-chains. People go to the former to workout, and the latter to pose and ponce about. Hopefully a carnci trust gym will be closer to the former.

It Never fails to make me laugh at guys who seem to think they have to scowl at everyone in the gym.
And who are these people who train with their hood up ???



Legendary Member
Anyway, back to topic. I do a 6 day routine with Sunday for rest. Every 8 weeks I take a week off.

Monday, Wednesday, Friday is arms and chest.

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Is legs and back.

I do a little mid section work every time.

I don't go nuts, only halanhour, 35 minutes, but I go at it pretty intensely. The 7/7 routine gives little time between sets and I keep the time between exercises to a minimum. I usually go mid morning once everyone is at school/work and after an hours bass practice (do my music practice first as playing with weak or trembling hands is no fun) but I have a TV out there so sometimes go in the evening and watch Corrie while I'm going at it.

I do have cross trainer and a decent recumbent exercise bike but they're for Mrs D, preferring to get my cardio while cycling.

Consistency is the key. I'm out there 6 days a week, and only miss a turn when I'm properly ill.


A tip. When looking at gyms, the seedier and more run down back street establishments with sweat dripping off the walls are nearly always friendlier places than the big shiny chrome plated big-name-chains.

I've been to a few of those, always a better option.

In my late teens I went to one that was run by a guy who was into Olympic weight lifting, he was proper old school as noticed by him once telling me that fish and chips was a very under rated meal, 'you've got your protein in the fish, carbs in the chips, and vitamins and minerals in the peas.'

Then in my thirties I went to a bodybuilding place in an old mill just up the road, the thing I remember about that place was the sign on the back of the changing room door,' stop dealing drugs in my gym, I know who you are and when I catch you at it you're barred.' 🤣


Über Member
Anyway, back to topic. I do a 6 day routine with Sunday for rest. Every 8 weeks I take a week off.

Monday, Wednesday, Friday is arms and chest.

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Is legs and back.

I do a little mid section work every time.

I don't go nuts, only halanhour, 35 minutes, but I go at it pretty intensely. The 7/7 routine gives little time between sets and I keep the time between exercises to a minimum. I usually go mid morning once everyone is at school/work and after an hours bass practice (do my music practice first as playing with weak or trembling hands is no fun) but I have a TV out there so sometimes go in the evening and watch Corrie while I'm going at it.

I do have cross trainer and a decent recumbent exercise bike but they're for Mrs D, preferring to get my cardio while cycling.

Consistency is the key. I'm out there 6 days a week, and only miss a turn when I'm properly ill.

Each body part 3X a week? Your overtraining my friend. Your muscles need more time to recuperate. Try a dedicated core workout 2 X per week.
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