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Tony Bell said:
Half-wheelers are Complete Bastards. End of.
These are the people who just coast along in front of you, and when you attempt to draw level, they push it just a little bit more.
This state of affairs continues until they nail your hat on.
Like I said. Complete Bastards. :tongue:

As a fat bus driver you prob. have a bit of a job to keep up ! ;)
Half wheeling is a bit of psychological gamesmanship - forcing you to go faster than you really want to.

I saw a superb example of motorcycle racer Valentino Rossi half wheeling the race leader, he continued to do it lap after lap, always dropping back only to do it again later on. The result? He forced the race leader to up the pace beyond his abilities, ending in him running off the track. A bit of a bastard thing to do but when faced with half wheeling, either you go faster and get them to stop it or else drop back, let them lead and YOU half wheel THEM.

rich p

ridiculous old lush
Dave5N said:
Wrong way round. In cycling, the halfwheeler is half a wheel in front.

When I used to run as well as cycle, we used to 'half-shoulder' each other and end up sprinting. It all depends on how competitive you are. If you're not, it's not a problem.


Smutmaster General
Is it a bit like half-posting (oo'er).. I mean someone starts a numberwang thread, I post "89" and someone else goes "grr... he's just upping his post level... now I shall have to do likewise"... until we end up with ridiculous numbers of posts!
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