Harry potter Spoiler

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New Member
I've read it but I'm not divulging the plot, don't want to spoil it for others.


New Member
Right, the answers:
Harry does not go off with Hermione; she ends up in a Sapphic relationship with the giant snake. Harry and Ron have a moment of revelatory epiphany in a San Francisco sauna and bath house, whilst after an unfortunate accident Dobby is fed to Hedwig in small chunks. Ginny marries Hagrid. Snape is actually Harry's mother in disguise.


New Member
Bigtallfatbloke said:
Well I know what happened from my son who finished the book at 2am this morning!...

That's about when I finished it, I'd had to maintain a strict communications blackout until then. Now I'm just glad nobody can ruin it for me anymore, it's a huuuge relief.


Old Ben dies in order to let Luke, Han and the Princess escape in the Millenium Falcon.

Having recently seen the film Titanic, I can confirm that it sinks.

And finally, Hitler did only have one.

Hope this doesn't spoil it for anyone


Cycling in Scotland
Auld Reekie
Still don't know as Asda have sold out....


Cycling in Scotland
Auld Reekie
Tetedelacourse said:
Asda have blurted out the ending?

Did I not hear that Harry got rid of his clothing and went to star in a steamy west end show?

...and there is not a dry seat in the house...


Well, I've been terrified of this thread and its potential spoilers for a week, as I struggled to get through that flippin' book.... sorry JKR, you've not popped out a page-turner for us this time!

You mean no-one's been prepared to blurt out the actual truth? I mean, about how Lord Voldemort strips off his cloak and disguise, and reveals himself (herself?) to be the true .... Tooth Fairy?

Actually, despite my criticism of Ms Rowling above, I am eternally, deeply and ecstatically grateful to her for one little detail in the final chapter. One thing I had been dreading all along, one thing that would have sent me into a bottomless and devastating depression had it been - otherwise.

[astronomer hat on]
"Scorpius", not "Scorpio". :thumbsup:
Thank you, thank you, JKR.


Not read any of the books. But wife and eldest both read it at the same time.One during the day the other after bedtime.Ihave read the last twenty pages.So it goes like this--crickey it's 11-30 time for bed.


postman said:
Ihave read the last twenty pages.So it goes like this--crickey it's 11-30 time for bed.
WHAT! So you already know about how Harry and Malfoy get it together, have their civil partnership blessed by Umbridge - and take on McGonagall and Lockhart (who are discovered to be long-lost brother and sister) - both gone gaga - as their adopted kids?

I warned you all - the plot is complex...;)
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