Mr Phoebus
New Member
I've been out for a good spin, coming back home, I get to the one set of lights by B'ham Airport.
The lights are on red and I pull up, (I'm the first in the queue), geezer on a big motorbike pulls up along side me, he looks me up and down he then starts revving the hell out of it
I just do a I'm not all that impressed look to him.
The lights change I clip in and push the exact same time, he stalls the bike really violently "Buck-a-roooo!" :?:
I set off, I can hear the dick in far distance, he's finally started it, and is getting closer.
I just get through the next set of lights as they change, he doesn't make it
(there's cameras, he wouldn't dare!)
I get to my turning, turn off, then I pull up to the kerb and wait, he then comes past, I point at him and do a mock laugh, he flashes me the middle finger.
May your visor hide your shame!
The lights are on red and I pull up, (I'm the first in the queue), geezer on a big motorbike pulls up along side me, he looks me up and down he then starts revving the hell out of it

The lights change I clip in and push the exact same time, he stalls the bike really violently "Buck-a-roooo!" :?:

I just get through the next set of lights as they change, he doesn't make it

I get to my turning, turn off, then I pull up to the kerb and wait, he then comes past, I point at him and do a mock laugh, he flashes me the middle finger.

May your visor hide your shame!