Have you seen any top pros when riding?

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Seen Mark Cavendish around here a couple of times. You can't miss him, he rides with some lackey on a moped behind him carrying a couple of spare wheels.........

He lives in Essex, and regularly trains around here. That moped is often (if not usually) in front, acting as a pacemaker.
Not on my bike, but I encountered Thor Hushovd and LA a few years ago during the Oslo Grand prix in 2009. They were too busy with the press, so I strolled over and had a nice chat with Jens Voigt, whom no-one seemed too interested in, for some strange reason.
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Me and @Hacienda71 were lucky enough to potter around Derbyshire with a couple of the Rapha Condor JLT guys last year.

Funnily enough I think we just about missed the back end of the pearl Izumi women's team today.

Saw Lizzy Armisted last year :swoon:

Seen a few Sky boys/BC boys around near me but never been close enough to see who it was.


Just a bloke on a bike!
So the other day I was 50 miles into a 75 miler, riding along a flat stretch at a good strong steady pace although I wasn't busting a gut given I was quite far from home. Those local may know the back road from Ilkley to Otley that runs through a village called Askwith. Anyway I was shocked to notice someone on my right shoulder overtaking me. He looked directly at me although I didn't hear him say anything. I grunted a "morning" or "I'm just out on a recovery ride" or something. ^_^

As I was going pretty fast I immediately thought wtf and instinctively looked down at my Garmin to check my speed. I was doing 25mph although I had a good tailwind. When I looked back up this guy was cruising away with effortless ease. Then I noticed the black and blue sky pro team kit. Helmet, clothing, and bike including the sky insignia on the seat post. I also clocked the build of the rider, very tall and thin.

Now I know you can buy most if not all of this kit but seriously this guy had all the uniform and bike. I got out the saddle as you do and give it some beans but sadly this guy pulled away at a truly astonishing pace. He was out of site within a minute or two. It was awesome to watch a pure, elegant cyclist doing what he did.
So I'm as sure as I can be that it was Sir Brad. It's not that far fetched as he lives in the next county perhaps 40-50 miles away. I don't believe he was any ordinary cyclist whether that be a top club rider or otherwise.

Anyone else with similar stories?
Not pro cyclists but. Did ride past Bruce Willis last year in Mallorca, he was strolling along with his entourage. I had to do a quick turn round and second pass but yep it was him alright.


Norven Mankey
Not pro cyclists but. Did ride past Bruce Willis last year in Mallorca, he was strolling along with his entourage. I had to do a quick turn round and second pass but yep it was him alright.

I take every opportunity to recount my "I was mistaken for Bruce Willis" story so thanks for this opportunity (who knows, the guy in Mallorca could have been me too....)

In a bar in Shanghai a few years ago. I have shaved head and was wearing a white t-shirt. I was with a mixed group of Chinese and Westerners when we were approached by a rather drunk group of Chinese people who were convinced I was Bruce Willis. Not wanting to burst their bubble, I effected an American accent and proceeded to sign a few autographs and chatted about filming in Shanghai. I guess to this day my dodgy autographs are still floating around in China


Über Member
About a year ago I saw someone following a moped at alarming speed, it was Alex Dowsett, seen him out a couple of times since too.

He rides quite a lot with Cav round here but not seen them out together.
Yeah I thought i cycled past Matt Berry from The IT Crowd on Saturday



Man or Moose!
How good does a pro have to be to qualify as a top pro? :tongue:

I've see loads pro's (mostly Rapha Condor, Madison-Genesis or Team GB) riders around at races, at or around the track, on the road, local coffee shops, formal functions etc. Having lived in Manchester City centre for some time, it is hard not to see people about, especially on their way to and from the track etc. They are just normal people who are good at riding a bike :smile:

My latest and greatest claim to fame is that I may have beaten Katie Archibald and Dame Sarah Storey in a 25TT this Saturday just gone :tongue:
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