Hebden Bridge / Marsden / Holmfirth / Emley Moor - Sunday, May 23rd

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Sorry to have missed you. I got away for an hour this aft and rode up to Emley about 2.30ish on the off chance. Got a fifteen mile loop in but it was a cold, and as you say, lazy wind up on top and over by the windfarm.
Hoping to make it next weekend.
BTW I think the run up from Kirkburton to Emley via Jagger Lane is completely outrageous! Kills me that I have to rest a mo to get up there. One day I will beat the bugger..


Puzzle game procrastinator!

(Normal verbosity will be resumed tomorrow... :becool:)


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Kestevan said:
Did you make it back home before darkness fell Colin?
You just caught me before I switch the PC off...

I saw a fantastic sunset from Norland Moor above Sowerby Bridge. Unfortunately that was still about 35 minutes from home and I didn't have a front light with me!

I descended a really hairy steep descent into Sowerby Bridge in twilight.

I then took my quiet little back road out of Sowerby Bridge and discovered to my horror that the little pub that seemed to be in a really stupid place where nobody would go actually seems to be The place to be seen. There were hundreds of very loud and very drunk young people staggering about and I felt seriously worried that I might get attacked, especially when I saw one young drunk lash out at another just in front of me. I managed to pick my way through to a few jeers and then head back on the Calder Valley Cycleway which was very dark! I had to take my glasses off because I couldn't see where I was going. I could just see enough to get home without them on. I finally got home at 21:05!

I'm pretty tired and hungry so that's your lot for tonight!


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Chrisc said:
That good eh!
It was good, but I wasn't really fit enough to tackle it, as you can see from how long it took me. At least I didn't feel ill at any point in the ride - I seem to be over the lurgy. I could really feel those 2 weeks off my bike though.

I was saying to Kestevan that everybody I know who commutes by bike seems to get major fitness benefits. I work from home so I don't have that, but I must try to simulate it by getting plenty of short rides in rather than just these occasional longer mega-hilly ones.

And now I really am switching the PC off!


Last of the Summer Winos
One other thing.... The sculpture park is best avoided. The place is badly sign-posted, and they've tried to hide he cafe, probably ashamed at the outrageous prices.

Oh, and looking at some of the "installations" only gets Colin wound up :laugh:


ColinJ said:
It was good, but I wasn't really fit enough to tackle it, as you can see from how long it took me. At least I didn't feel ill at any point in the ride - I seem to be over the lurgy. I could really feel those 2 weeks off my bike though.

I was saying to Kestevan that everybody I know who commutes by bike seems to get major fitness benefits. I work from home so I don't have that, but I must try to simulate it by getting plenty of short rides in rather than just these occasional longer mega-hilly ones.

And now I really am switching the PC off!

Good to hear you didn't suffer any lurgy related ill-effects!
Does sound a lot to take on if you're not getting any regular rides. Why don't you commute to work anyway? Get up as if you had to go to an office and do a 30 min loop before you start? No problem with showers or changing on arrival!

I don't commute regularly but I do get out for an hour or two five times a week. As you say little and often has far greater benefits than the odd long run. I also ride these hills all the time (no option!) and although they're not massive they have contributed to my gaining a lot of fitness strength and stamina.
What I lack is somewhere to just go and do four or five endurance hours on the flat to get some distance in my legs. I have rollers for this but am bored to tears after an hour.
Sorry to hear the sculpture park cafe is a rip off. The Cherry Tree at High Hoyland is really good for food and, I have to admit, a couple of pints of Black Sheep. Well it's only a couple of miles back home from there!


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Kestevan said:
One other thing.... The sculpture park is best avoided. The place is badly sign-posted, and they've tried to hide he cafe, probably ashamed at the outrageous prices.

Oh, and looking at some of the "installations" only gets Colin wound up :biggrin:
We wandered about trying to find the restaurant/cafe. There were signs for 'The Underground Gallery' and that kind of thing but we didn't see a single one for the cafe!

By trial and error we finally located the cafe. We got quite a few strange looks from the massed crowds of art lovers. Who are these sweaty men in lycra?

My sandwich was very nice but £4.50 was a steep price to pay. My sandwich, cake and coffee came to £9.05 which is more than I could really afford. In fact, I had to dig right down into my small change and only just had enough to pay my bill! (5p to spare)
Garz said:
Installations eh?
We saw a tripod next to a large black circle in the grass. We couldn't work out whether a surveyor had just stopped for a break or whether it was in fact a work of art, but there you go.

A big red metal cone with another big piece of red metal next to it was clearly 'art', where art is defined as 'It doesn't have a purpose, isn't natural and didn't get there by accident'!

Eventually we were ensconced in the cafe next to a wall displaying photographs of some of the 'works'. Deeply moving works such as a sign bearing the stimulating thoughts "We see through our eyes. We hear through our ears." Wow - I was so intrigued, I almost forgot to eat my sandwich! (Did I tell you that it cost £4.50?). In a flash of artistic brilliance, aJ came up with the concept of a sister work - a sheet of A3 paper on which he would write "We smell through our noses. We ride on our bikes." He has a bright future in The Art World!

Person 1: "Is that pile of bricks a work of art?"

Person 2: "How can we tell just by looking at the bricks?"

Person 1: "Well it's either art or it isn't!"

Person 2: "No, no, no! If an artist bought the bricks from a builders yard and installed them in the gallery - that is art. If delivery men merely dumped them there for builders to use in the new gallery extension, then they remain nothing more than a pile of bricks!"

Person 1: "Oh, I understand now - thank you - my life is enriched beyond measure!"

Philistine remarks aside, I actually think that the Park is very nice and would be good for a family visit. If you can afford the prices in the cafe then that is worth a visit too (if you can find it!). I just don't think it is a good place to stop on a CC forum ride.

I've decided that there will have to be changes for the ride on the 9th...

We didn't like the very busy uphill A-road to get to the Sculpture Park and the cafe was too expensive. Also - the ride took too long and I ended up riding back in the dark so I think I'll forget about the Sculpture Park and shorten the route. Oh, and I'm not going through Sowerby Bridge again when crowds of drunks are out and about. 75% of the route will be the same on the 9th May though. We'll need to find a suitable cafe once I've finalised the route.


Squat Member
ColinJ said:
I've decided that there will have to be changes for the ride on the 9th...

We didn't like the very busy uphill A-road to get to the Sculpture Park and the cafe was too expensive. Also - the ride took too long and I ended up riding back in the dark so I think I'll forget about the Sculpture Park and shorten the route. Oh, and I'm not going through Sowerby Bridge again when crowds of drunks are out and about. 75% of the route will be the same on the 9th May though. We'll need to find a suitable cafe once I've finalised the route.


Good choice!


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Chris - I'd been thinking that I might start doing a simulated morning commute on days when I didn't have anything else energetic planned. I could wait for the school run to be over and then do a nice 20 mile loop up the Cragg Vale climb and back over some quiet lanes. Alternatively I could ride to Haworth and back which is about 16 miles. Both of those are hilly. I could ride to Todmorden and then towards Burnley on the A646 but that road is quite busy so I'd rather not to that regularly.

I don't think I'd want to regularly ride twice a day from home though. There might be benefits in splitting the day's mileage into two rides, but the extra time and effort in getting washed and changed twice would be a nuisance. Obviously it's different for a real commute.

As for the ride on the 9th... As mentioned above, I am shortening the route so that I will definitely get back in daylight. That means that we won't go as far as High Hoyland. I'm thinking that we will cut across from Emley Moor and rejoin the original route somewhere near Broadstone Reservoir. Can you think of a nice cafe or pub stop in Kirkburton, Upper/Lower Cumberworth or Lane Head (or anywhere else very close to those places)?


Hi Colin,
This is the best place to go en-route really. Not cheap but very nice and if the weather is good there will be lots of cyclists flying down the hill past the door. It's a nice climb up to it so you feel like you've earned your butty.

Here's the route to it from Emley which will cut about 10 miles off your last trip.

How'd you find Jagger Lane up to the mast? Kills me that one. I will get up in one go eventually!


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Chrisc said:
This is the best place to go en-route really. Not cheap but very nice and if the weather is good there will be lots of cyclists flying down the hill past the door. It's a nice climb up to it so you feel like you've earned your butty.
It does look nice but it wouldn't be much cheaper than the Sculpture Park. That might not be problem, I'd have to see what the general reaction was. I suppose the difference between the cost of a cafe stop and a good pub lunch is going to be £4-£5 max.

Chrisc said:
Here's the route to it from Emley which will cut about 10 miles off your last trip.
That's the shortcut I'd decided on - I couldn't cut much more out without just making it a ride to Holmfirth and back!

Chrisc said:
How'd you find Jagger Lane up to the mast?
I used my GPS to show me the way! :wacko:

Chrisc said:
Kills me that one. I will get up in one go eventually!
Yes, it was quite a hard slog but I got up it. I'm sure you will too after a few more goes at it. I select my lowest gear early on and ride at a very steady pace on hills like that. If I make a big effort at the bottom, my legs or back pay for it higher up!

I found the climb up from Holmbridge past Digley Reservoir tougher but that was probably because I was getting tired. The worst climb of the day was Scapegoat Hill up from Slaithwaite towards Outlane. I stopped halfway up that to stretch my back and make a phone call. I didn't have to walk any of the climbs but I was close to my limit on the last few of the day once fatigue had set in.

(About my 'commute')
Chrisc said:
I'd be thinking more in terms of ten miles before work every day. Little and often.
Yes, I was thinking after I posted that I was setting myself up for failure to attempt a 20 mile ride each morning. I could just ride up to Blackstone Edge or Cock Hill and then turn round and bomb back down again. That way I'd pack a good 1,000 ft climb and a fast descent into each ride but be home in less than an hour. I'd do 10 minutes on my gym bike before each ride to warm up.

If I had an afternoon or evening ride arranged then I'd skip the morning ride. There are plenty of short offroad loops I could do on my MTB for a bit of variety when I got bored of doing the same road rides.

If I got those rides in during the week then I'd probably go for a walk on the Saturday to give my legs a bit of a rest from cycling. I could save my longer rides for Sundays the way that a lot of riders do.
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