Hey Laurence: I'll see your squirrel and raise you a goat!

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laurence said:
is oven the collective noun?

Sorry don't know :biggrin: I feel it should be though:biggrin:

I think my camera has spot metering and centre focus. I think it's also got active focus. I think I need to read the manual again. I'll see if I can do better next time. I still want a Heron fishing even though I now know they are evil chick eaters.
oven it is!

think that's how mine is set up, certainly centre focussing. can't remember the exact meter setting, but i took it off whole frame.

don't forget herons are also dastardly toad munchers. i got a pic of one on one leg the other week... squelched through marshy ground. i'm not that devoted, i just wasn't looking where i was going until it was too late!
here you go... an evil frog swalling killer...


i took a few, but got the exposure wrong on most of them!


Wow! That's really good. Well exposed, nicely framed, clear and with the reflection. I'm gonna have to go some to beat that.


Smutmaster General
laurence said:
looks like a hooded crow! i've only ever seen one in Sweden as they don't come far south. can you send them down this way, i'd love to get a snap of one.
You get them in Ireland a lot....
the hoody is a nice looking bird. it looked good in Crackle's shot as the colours went with the rocks and seaweed.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Love the trampolining elephant!

And also love 'oven of oystercatchers'. How long do you reckon it would take to get that into general usage (as general as oystercatchers are ever going to be, anyway)?

I will use it from now on!:sad:

That's a great goat! We are all used to sheep, we forget how satanic goats can look!


Inspired by my photographs, Sons 1 & 2 wanted to take some. So we set off to the same location with my camera. Sadly there was not a lot about, then one of the wildgoats came down the hill and crossed the road in front of us: Cue jamming of brakes and swerve onto grass.

Both sons leapt out. Son no.2 had my camera and was assured of some good shots as the goat paused in front of him chewing seaweed and by the looks of him, deciding whether he should charge son no.2. I was about to intervene when the goat was distracted by son no.1 doing his stealth approach from behind. Anyway, the goat shoved off at a good lick.

Son No.2 came back excitedly but when we reviewed the shots there were none :biggrin:

Turns out Son No.2 had taken the 'got focus' bleep as the shutter going off :biggrin:

Ah well, c'est la vie.
Crackle... saw oystercatchers and curlews yesterday in the Pentlands. it was too windy to try and get close to the oystercatchers and the curlews were in a field.

no goats, but some sheep.

i entrusted my point and click to a quick-step mechanic at the tour of britain a few years ago to get a shot of me with Boonen's World Champ bike. the picture is only in my mind.


Went out again today but no real luck. Got this classic Buzzard profile pic, taken by son No.1 sticking out of the sunroof as I drove the car after it. We thought it was something else at first by the way it was quartering the hillside but as we got closer we could see it was Buzzard size and then it started to ascend and circle in classic buzzard style.


Got a nice pair of tufted ducks on a pond near me, but I don't have a decent camera and am completely inept with the one I do have, so no pics!
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