How do you dance?

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As I have noticed at clubs / wedding discos etc that everyone has their own 'special' way - from the hardly-moving-at-all to what I like to call the Lee Evans Overdrive

So, what are your moves?
none I cant dance at ALL


As for me, my co-ordination is alright but I seem to unconsciously pull really wierd faces as I dance which make everyone either laugh or be frightened!


Über Member
PrettyboyTim said:
I've got all the Dad Moves. Oh yeah.

OMG, you're not one of those awful men that gets his cock out on the dance floor and starts waving it about at kids parties are you?
I ride a 'b(r)ent' on the dance floor!

Beer goggles are a must before any strenuous moves are attempted, closely followed by amnesia :wacko::biggrin::evil::tongue::tongue:xx(:biggrin:
I dance like a white north european rhythmless person and I'm rubbish at anything which requires co-ordinating arms and legs, hands and feet.

So ...I avoid dancing it if at all possible, unless it's techno, which works, for some reason.


Noble and true, with a heart of steel
The TerrorVortex
Don't dance as a rule. Although I did get dragged up in Greece once. The whole village was dancing, I wasn't going to be the only one left to get chatted up by Stavros the Goatherd.


>How do you dance?

Well, you move your body, usually in time to music...


Though I have been noted to make a complete arse of myself - but that was in a previous life !

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