how far do you commute?

commute length

  • <1 mile

    Votes: 33 2.3%
  • 1-5 miles

    Votes: 298 20.9%
  • 6-10 miles

    Votes: 376 26.3%
  • 11-15 miles

    Votes: 302 21.1%
  • 16-20 miles

    Votes: 168 11.8%
  • >20 miles

    Votes: 253 17.7%

  • Total voters
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Well-Known Member
13.5 miles each way. Was 5 miles each way but my new bike got damaged using the shuttle bus under the Tyne so now I go the long way round, and its so much better.


New Member
13 miles round trip but I usually extend that to 30-45 miles depending on the time I get up and whether or not I have to be home quick after work.


Well-Known Member
13.5-16 miles each way, depending on route, with 600'-1200' of uphill. Unfortunately we're on a tight "drop off kids with childminder get to work get back do dinner do myriad of kids' commitments (scouts, piano lessons, swimming lessons)" schedule for me to vary it much. Which is a shame, as with a small westward wiggle I can put the edge of the Peak district between me and w*rk.

Billy Wizz

Über Member
North Wales
32 miles round trip.
Thamesmead to Pickets Lock, Edmonton.
Just did two weeks five days a week.
This is the longest yet the bike is great,bog std specialized sirrus there is room for improvement, a new four year contract should sort it or kill me lol


New Member
Hi, I'm new to all of this. I will be commuting properly come September from Kingston to Weybridge along the towpath since I'm not confident to go on the roads yet. I have started to commute to my current job as a test now (I'm a teacher) which is from Kingston to Shepperton. Tow path again, about 7 miles each way, I think, getting used to it and dealing with the logistics of it all. Taking me about 45m door to door.

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
I commute about 4.3 miles from my workplace to my wifes' workplace, then ride home with her. She gets out of work later than I, and this way, she doesn't have to come and get me.I and the bicycle get dropped off at work in the morning, as it is dark then, and too much traffic and dicey roads to commute in the dark in that area.
16 miles each way. Started work 1st of the month but only managed to cycle in once since then (which was great, thoroughly enjoyed it) but a combination of work issues and now the bike being away for a service (10 days and counting, really??) means I haven't done it since.
Itching to get started properly....

Billy Wizz

Über Member
North Wales
Hi, I'm new to all of this. I will be commuting properly come September from Kingston to Weybridge along the towpath since I'm not confident to go on the roads yet. I have started to commute to my current job as a test now (I'm a teacher) which is from Kingston to Shepperton. Tow path again, about 7 miles each way, I think, getting used to it and dealing with the logistics of it all. Taking me about 45m door to door.
Hi, I'm new to all of this. I will be commuting properly come September from Kingston to Weybridge along the towpath since I'm not confident to go on the roads yet. I have started to commute to my current job as a test now (I'm a teacher) which is from Kingston to Shepperton. Tow path again, about 7 miles each way, I think, getting used to it and dealing with the logistics of it all. Taking me about 45m door to door.
I find towpaths annoying, great in the morning but take your time in the evening,ok for ambling along and getting a grip on the ride.
The annoying road cyclist will appear flat out, I am a road biker too,you will soon prefer the roads.
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