How many of you planning to ride Christmas Day?

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South Somerset
Xmas day is bbq on the beach!
Boxing day Mrs Aud is working so hopefully out on bike.


As a step family, christmas is hectic and usually results in everyone having two Christmas dinners.

This year we are having Christmas dinner one at my house with my son and mum, then son gets dropped off with his dad and we head off down the motorway for Christmas dinner 2 with step sons and in laws.

We also have to fit in our traditional Christmas day dog walk, which involves putting tinsel on the dogs collar and my son handing out chocs to the other dog walkers.

Not sure we'll fit a bike ride in!


Getting old but not past it
North Wales
definitively no ride on christmas day, not enough time in daylight left. Boxing day? now, that's just another day !


I'll be at the inlaws in chester, so unless theres anyone from round there that can lend me an x-large bike it looks like I'll not be riding for two weeks!!

i may very well kill someone before new years eve


West Somerset
Fully intend to, assuming we're not washed away by then. One of my friends is thinking about putting her name down to work that day, so I might see if I can get her to drive up there and I'll do the 40ish miles back home. A couple of mince pies, a few more, then walk the dog and then settle in for the rest of the day on the sofa. Misanthropic bliss. :biggrin:

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
Christmas day: ride to my friend's, food, chat and a laugh, ride back - it's only a few miles.
Boxing day: ride to work and back ^_^


Living Legend & Old Fart

Just a quick 30km ride planned


Bionic Subsonic
I won't be. No cycling on Christmas Day or Boxing day. It's a very busy time for a chorister and I'll be doing two 'midnight masses' 200 miles apart (thankfully the first one is actually at 7pm) and then a dawn mass so I doubt I'll have the energy for riding on Christmas day.

Boxing day will involve a walk though.
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