How many of you planning to ride Christmas Day?

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I'm doing the Southwark Cyclist's Christmas Day ride this year and really looking forward to it. Missed it last year due to being stuck at the in-laws down in Rye with literally no escape until the 27th as there was no public transport and we left the bikes at home.
sounds interesting - do tell?


I like to go out at least for a short ride on xmas day because it reminds me how I felt when I got my first racer (yellow 5 speed Elswick). Occasionally there will be a kid out on his bike and it's obvious that they just got it. A nice new bike is one of the best pressies a kid can get. In my humble.

I think though that I'll avoid the drunken new years eve ride around the town centre with pillion passenger on the crossbar.


Random Resident
Two days a year are for family , Christmas day is for the wife and kids, Boxing day for the rest of the family,, to be honest cycling is a peasure not a must do thing.
So for those two days i will be feet up watching TV and feeding myself lots of goodies till i am proper fat.


Cycling in the sun
I have been out of the bike on Christmas day in some years - but I'm not going if it's horrible. But if there is a lull near the end of the afternoon then I may go for a quick ride around the lanes - but only a short ride - I doubt it will make any impact on the calories consumed that day!!


It'll depend on the weather for us. Last year we set off but it was so windy - pedalling like mad and going nowhere on the downhill!!!! -we turned round and came home.
Boxing day will be a cycle to work and back.


Powered by caffeine & whisky
I will be out Boxing day for a few hours with a couple of mates, it will be good to get out and burn off all that eating from Christmas day, then when I get home I'll be making a turkey & ham pie for Boxing day dinner!
I got out last xmas day,into the centre of Manchester,
Mrs was working the early shift at the hospital and the 2 teenage sprogs never
get out of bed before 12 ish,had an hour blasting through the deserted streets
feeling like i was on the set of I Am Legend,only saw 1 person in the centre
and almost no traffic,hopefully be repeating the ride this year as well

Get In The Van

Senior Member
West Lothian
I hope so, a new Garmin is on the cards, so i 'may' have to test that it works ok, got my sis coming round for dinner, so when the mrs and her get together, wine is poured extra large, so hopefully an escape for an hour or 2
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