How was 2016's Cycling for you, and what plans are afoot for 2017?

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Deleted member 1258

4500 miles this year. My first year retired. No plans or goals other than to enjoy my cycling. I'd been doing 50-60 mile rides 2 or 3 times a week up until the beginning of November when unfortunately I had a mild heart attack, I'm now off the bike until I get the all clear from the doctors. I'm in cardiac rehab for the next eight weeks and my only plans for next year is to get back to the cycling I was doing before the heart attack.


Kilometre nibbler
Cycling wise, good, unlike some other events of the year.

Completed the imperial century a month challenge, and plan to complete the metric one (separate rides) later in the month. Did my big challenge for the year - a Godwin, 206 miles, and rode a complete stage route of the Tour de France and bits of two others, one on the morning of the race, on closed roads before the race came through.

Next year I would like to get a bit faster so long distances don't take so blooming long. But apart from riding downhill more often, I don't have a plan for making this happen, so I doubt that it will.
4500 miles this year. My first year retired. No plans or goals other than to enjoy my cycling. I'd been doing 50-60 mile rides 2 or 3 times a week up until the beginning of November when unfortunately I had a mild heart attack, I'm now off the bike until I get the all clear from the doctors. I'm in cardiac rehab for the next eight weeks and my only plans for next year is to get back to the cycling I was doing before the heart attack.
:ohmy: GWS!


This time last year, I thought 20 miles was a long ride. Well, for me, it was - I felt great satisfaction after doing some of those trips! I had a MTB with road tyres, was just pootling about on cycle paths. Strava says I did 700 miles that year, almost all on the flat.

During the first 4 months of this year, I did virtually no mileage.

Bought a “proper” bike in May. Since then I’ve done about 1650 miles, with the longest trip being 62 miles. Set myself a few targets - managed to do some of them (round arran, whitelee wind farm, lost some weight...). Haven’t managed one yet (get up the fairlie moor hill without stopping!) but I’m getting closer.

The other target was to do 2000 miles by end of year. I’m not going to get there - had a fall last weekend, and don’t expect to be riding for a fortnight or so.

Next year - just want to get out regularly, and maybe try an organised ride....

Dave 123

Legendary Member
4500 miles this year. My first year retired. No plans or goals other than to enjoy my cycling. I'd been doing 50-60 mile rides 2 or 3 times a week up until the beginning of November when unfortunately I had a mild heart attack, I'm now off the bike until I get the all clear from the doctors. I'm in cardiac rehab for the next eight weeks and my only plans for next year is to get back to the cycling I was doing before the heart attack.

Had I missed that Dave or did you keep it quiet? Which ever way stay warm and get better soon. I like your ride reports.

Deleted member 1258

Had I missed that Dave or did you keep it quiet? Which ever way stay warm and get better soon. I like your ride reports.

I posted the details in this thread here starting at post #373 I'd also mentioned it in the mundane news thread. Unfortunately I've a family history of heart attacks and strokes, it seems I've developed coronary Artery disease as I've got older, I'm 65 next week.


Senior Member
I've really enjoyed my first full year of cycling, lm currently on 1875 miles but will hit 2000 before the new year , I've now started to commute, it's only three miles each way but it's all uphill on the way home and I sometimes go the long way home. I went on a cycling holiday round the Flanders region of Belgium, I REALLY enjoyed the flatness ^_^

Dave 123

Legendary Member


Über Member
Around 5000 miles and completed my 2nd ride London.

Next year L2B off road again, loads more mtb riding, London to Paris 24hr and also perhaps London to lands end :biggrin:


Über Member
I only started cycling in August. I've achieved a few goals like my first 20+ mile ride and climbing some big hills but the best bit is I've enjoyed myself feel so much better and oh yeah I've lost over 2 stone . for 2017 my goals are my first 40+ mile ride loose at least another 2 stone and the wife says I need to finish decorating the bathroom . totally unrelated I know but hey ho it's still a goal


South Coast
Due to a bad back, I wasn't back on the bike until around July/August. My Goal was to do 1500 miles. I should hopefully do that. I also want to do a 100mile ride - I am planning on riding to Brighton and back next Sunday, Ive got a route planned for 125 miles.

My goals for 2017 are to try and stay fit & healthy and away from injuries (I seem to suffer from back and knee injuries!) So have joined a gym and am doing a lot of strength and stretching exercises. I want to try and do 3000 miles for the year. I have entered the London Wales London Audax in April, so will be happy if I can complete that and survive.

Other goals are to try and get myself out of debt, which will be tricky. Im tracking my progress on a separate thread. Should only take me two and a half years!


Considering a new username
Leafy Surrey
Family responsibilities remain a constraint on the time I can devote to leisure cycling, but I squeezed in some solo night rides, joined the FNRttC, and did the London Surrey 100 for charity.

Goals in 2017 are:
MAKE more time for riding.
More forum rides
More FNRttC
More commuting (less train)

...and have a go at Barhatch Lane. Because it's there.

Shut Up Legs

Down Under Member
2016 was just commuting for me, except for that glorious week in September, when I rode 15 peaks in the Pyrenees and Alps in France. In 2017 I plan to do something similar.
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