How was 2016's Cycling for you, and what plans are afoot for 2017?

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Senior Member
WsM Somerset UK
Cycling wise,it's been good,bought my Boardman back in January in the sales.And retired my Raleigh.Been out on her at least 5 days out of 7.

The plan of doing Bristol to Bradford on Avon straight through didn't come off this summer,but have done Bristol-Bath and Bath - Bradford.Just need to do the Two Tunnels,but that's on the cards for next summer as is a ride along the Mendips.That is,knee permitting as I've got to go in for a arthroscopy at some point next year.


I was right about that saddle
I hope you are kidding with the 47 bit, a mere youngster.

I guess that was a bit cheeky


It's been a very good year for me. No massive challenges this year, but I've still clocked up over 4500 miles.
Less long commutes, because I now work in the City of London, but I've done over 800 miles on my new Brompton.

Two bads....falling off and cutting my face on a night ride. No lasting damage done, but lesson learnt about not turning sharply on greasy roads with the front brake applied.

Failing to finish the Bryan Chapman Memorial 600km Audax. Lack of fitness and thin-ness being the principle reasons.

The good.
Completing 6 years of the Cyclechat century challenge.
Doing June's century ride on my Brompton in Iceland.
Completing the National 400km Audax
Completing a diy 400km Audax from York to London with @redfalo and @AKA Bob
A beery bicycle tour from Le Harvre to Calais over 3 days.
Organising two FNRTTC rides.
Touring Andaluscia with @rb58 and @ianrauk including climbing to the top of the Pico Valeta, the highest road in Europe.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
There will be a decent fixed gear bike being broken for spares next year. Think I will bin the frame and fork given the nature of my accident even though there is very little damage (scratch to forks).

One road bike will stay attached to the turbo, the other locked to a ground anchor. Ive decided I won't be riding on the roads again, just not worth the risk of ending up paralysed. Unfortunately my accident has changed my view.

Can't break the Fixie up yet as nobody has inspected it.


Mayenne, France
Short on target due to a fall in February causing a snapped tendon in my shoulder. Had the op to fix it in October followed by 6 weeks with arm in sling.

I used a turbo trainer regularly during recovery, never realised how uncomfortable it is riding one handed! Have since had 2 road rides and was surprised how much easier it is than the turbo.

Looking like 5,500 kms by end of year....


In between here and there
Is this the sick note thread & 2016 cycling thread ^_^ Qualify for both!

I came of October 2013 - then was pretty ill 2014/2015 and not really back even now. I know everyone hates him but in May 2015 I felt like Lance Armstrong in one of his books about crawling on to the bike and trying to ride it, pretty much how I felt at the time. Anyway as you can see recovered the miles but nowhere near my speed, perhaps like a few other 50+ it is long forgotten by the legs and lungs. But I am living in hope and looking at this report a few weeks back I thought I had spotted the problem my cadence is much lower so the last 4 weeks I have averaged 84! But still slow :-( lol Now just hoping that a hard winter spinning will freshen me up.

Pre 2011 I had a hybrid and was 18.5 stone bought my road bike and garmin in 2010. Weight went up, but now at least back down to 12.5 stone!

Stats are all imperial - old fashioned me!



Getting there, one ride at a time.
I bought my new bike in April and aimed to ride it more than I did on my last one. It was a revelation!

I have cycled to work a lot and I am still doing so now unless it is icy. I completed my first ever organised event doing the 25k Tour De Vale in Aylesbury. I have cycled to my parents house twice (16 mile round trip but uphill all the way there) which I thought I would never ever do.

I am fitter than I was last year, not necessarily slimmer but definitely fitter.

My goals for next year are to ride more than 1500 miles, this year I am at about 850 and I would like to do much more.
Complete the Ride The Night I have signed up for. I know 100km is not a lot to some but for me it is an epic adventure
Explore a bit wider afield with Mr S now that we have a bike carrier for the car.
End 2017 fitter than I was in 2016.
2016 saw me making a come back to CX and XC racing after a 5 year gap. I found things had "moved on" and just commuting and the odd club ride were not enough to put me in the top half of the race like it used to do.
After 10 yrs of commuting, being attacked by people on scooters last year ( broken hand and wrist) this year being taken out in a hit and run incident( collar bone still displaced) , driven at twice deliberately by a nutter and receiving death threats from white van drivers the commute has lost its shine. I have now bought a power meter and turbo and started "proper" race training for next year which has been held up by a 2 week man flu episode.
Next year I intend to get into the top half of the races, if not there will be a power meter and turbo for sale. Oh and actually join in the social activities of my MTB club instead of being a miserable git.
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