I am DONE with going fast down hills!

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Hip Priest

No I have barely hit 30 nwhere near 38

I used to struggle to hit 25mph, but I've gradually grown in confidence.

My mates take the micky out if me because I use the brakes on a local steep (albeit straight) descent called The Ryals. Without brakes, you can easily hit 50mph, and I'm not ready for that yet!

I admire those who can reach these high speeds, but it isn't for me.


Moortown, Leeds
Since a downhill off last Sept I have kinda lost my bottle, will get to 35-40 but any more has to be on the Ribble frame and not the boardman.


Über Member
Best i have done is 52.6mph, according to Strava, down a local country hill :blush: That was done on a cheap mountain bike, done in winter in the dark with card coming the other way, was totally bricking it and shouldn't of been going that fast.

The hill is fairly easy to get a good speed on especially if you are drafting a car.


Internet Marketing bod
No I have barely hit 30 nwhere near 38
Best i have done is 52.6mph, according to Strava, down a local country hill :blush: That was done on a cheap mountain bike, done in winter in the dark with card coming the other way, was totally bricking it and shouldn't of been going that fast.

The hill is fairly easy to get a good speed on especially if you are drafting a car.

I think that's why us Suffolk folk are so astonished by speed, we just don't have any hills that last more than about half a mile.
My speed initiated brown trousers moment was on the Dunfie-Inverkeithing back road, it only hits a max of 14% but thats steep enough to gather speed but there's a sharp left bend at the bottom! Went round just over 3/4 of the way out to meet a van cutting the corner :ohmy: Held it at first but I thought sod the bike, I'm jumping, as I slid towards a following people carrier. Miraculously the bike and me were pretty unharmed.
Good thing about being a fatbastard is I get to descend fast although the bad thing is I do eat thru brake blocks.

I laugh at the miniscule speeds described here. I have local descents I often touch 80mph before having to slow. Once I even went over a 100mph. :eek:

James Ots

Senior Member
I laugh at the miniscule speeds described here. I have local descents I often touch 80mph before having to slow. Once I even went over a 100mph. :eek:

Pah, that's nothing. People round here have to board up their windows to stop sonic booms from shattering them when I go past. That truck in front of Guy Martin when he did his cycling speed record? That was being pedalled by me.


Norven Mankey
Good thing about being a fat******* is I get to descend fast although the bad thing is I do eat thru brake blocks.

I laugh at the miniscule speeds described here. I have local descents I often touch 80mph before having to slow. Once I even went over a 100mph. :eek:

I can vouch for these speeds. I was right behind him, felling a bit naffed off he was holding me up


crappy member
South West
Brown trouser moment indeed :ohmy: If there's any possibility of something happening I descend like a granny (no offence meant Gran); I can only ease of the brakes on a perfectly straight and clear rural road :ohmy:
has anyone been so scared that they have lost control of their bowels? I'm sure it could be possible but I've never actually heard of it happening!


Senior Member
I enjoy the speed of the descent but you need to know the road. The roads here in Northamptonshire are so bad that knowing the state of the road down the hill and at the bottom is so vital. Many hills have an accumulation of grit and broken tarmac at the bottom that makes life 'interesting' if the road has a bend in it!
Six pages into a thread about overcooking it on a descent and no-one has mentioned @Harry_Palmer79 's 50mph Arran Fun Time? (Sorry, Ross!)

That's okay Ed... the irony of it is that I walked away from that tumble with minor cuts and bruises (though the bike was less fortunate) only to end up with six stitches in my chin after falling off on the (admittedly icy) flat at 2mph six months later! :B)
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