I find this outrageous.

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Getting old but not past it
If this is true, I heard that the Government is proposing that people spy on their neighbours and report them if they exceed the number of people coming into their houses. For doing so, they will also receive a sum of money. This is an absolute disgrace and my parents would turn in their grave if that is so. It would take them back to when France was occupied by the enemy and informers were doing just that.
Anyone with a conscience would refuse to do anything like that and condemn the powers that be for low morals and lack of dignity.


Heard that too. 50 quid reward for every fine levied.
Why should you be surprised. We live in a Police State where they powers that be can do what they want, when they want. We have no appeal and we are automatically guilty.
Bent coppers and corrupt civil servants play the system to suit themselves.

Do you really think that we are at the end of restrictions to our liberty? Just wait till early January and see what will be banned then.


Smash the cistern
You are Jonesy AICMFP.
I didn't get this reference so of course I checked UD...



Legendary Member
In April out local force took 40,000 calls from people grassing up their neighbours for breaches of the "lockdown" that the police have no powers to enforce, so it's just as well crime is down because they're too busy fielding rubbish calls to investigate anything.

All they needed was the powers...
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