I screwed up...

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Made huge mistake at work today, unfortunately not till just before home time, so won't find out what's going to happen till tomorrow. Don't want to go into too many details now because of confidentiality, but it really was bad. If it doesn't cost me my job, then it will knock my confidence enough to feel like I can't do it properly anyway.

Was in such a state on the way home, that I walked past my flat and tried to unlock the neighbours door - he thought I'd lost it...

Nothing that anybody can say will make me feel better, but please feel free to try...feel like sh1t!!!!! :smile::biggrin:


New Member
You'll feel better in the morning. A bad day is just a bad day.


I work in a place where confidentiality is really important too. Very very easy to beat yourself up about stuff when other people are involved. But what you said was - you made a mistake. Everyone should be allowed to make a clanger or two. You're only human. The main thing is, you don't do it again - and the fact that you're upset will probably make sure you won't.


Taking the biscuit
Sympthies to ya PP.
If you really can't do anything until tomorrow don't use this time to beat yourself up, save that energy for something positive tomorrow.
Try not to stress, get some sleep and get straight on it in the morning.


Donut Devil
But I put someone in danger, because of something I misheard... So it's not like I did it wrong because I didn't know or it's something I can learn from... I misheard, so it could potentially happen again....


Taking the biscuit
punkypossum said:
But I put someone in danger, because of something I misheard... So it's not like I did it wrong because I didn't know or it's something I can learn from... I misheard, so it could potentially happen again....

This could potentially happen to anyone in any number of situations PP, but unless it is something that happens to you regularly then there is always room to see it as a genuine and honest mistake.

This won't be taking away anything of the circumstances and of what you must be feeling right now but I can assure you a nights sleep and an early start will stand you in much better stead for the day ahead.
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