I screwed up...

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Legendary Member
Come on Punky keep your chin up.Have yet to seeanyone not drop a clanger now and again.Best thing was you owned up to it.And did not hide.All the best.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
You'll be at work by now, but I hope it's all sorting itself out ok. I know how you feel, I agonise and beat myself up over the tiniest things. Like you say, at least you won't be stewing over the whole weekend. I hope it all goes well. Like everyone says, a mistake is just that. If you didn't care, that would be bad, but obviously you do (and not just in a 'oh, my god, my job' way, but in a proper caring way), and that should count for a lot.


Senior Member
We have all made mistakes at varying levels and of course the big difference between men and women in the work place (in my experience) is that women shout about them men cover them up! My advice to you at the moment would be to make a comprehensive and factual file note. That will serve two purposes, 1. Will help clear your head 2. Will mean you have the facts to refer to if they are needed. At the end of that note put a section for action points which will be positive things that you can do to avoid as far as possible such an incident happening again. Armed with this tomorrow you should be able to remain cool headed and it will show your boss that you have given real thought to what happened and have provided your own solution to prevent recurrence. Of course you are going to worry yourself silly meanwhile most of us would. Be firm and reasonable with the employer and expect them to be the same with you.

sorry I think I read this a day late, hope things have sorted themself out
I hope it went ok for you Punky


Legendary Member
Chuffy said:
Nothing to add by way of advice, but I hope it went ok today PP. Let us know, we're all rooting for you.

What he said. Hope it's not as bad as you feared.


Donut Devil
Well, the call would have been pulled today, and nobody said anything to me, so it looks like my ears didn't betray me after all and it was one of those people that say they are fine when they are not (apparently they do happen regularly). Still going to be stressed when I go in next week, but it looks like it might possibly be ok...The longer I don't get pulled the better my chances...

Decided not to bring it up with manager directly as it seemed like letting sleeping dogs lie might be a better idea. If it does come back to haunt me, I can prove that I voiced my concerns to other team members, so it's not like I tried to cover it up....

Lesson learnt tho - will quadruple check everything in the future and if there is even the smallest hint of doubt make sure I get someone to check straight away!!!!

Will just try and forget about it over the weekend and enjoy picking up new bike - its bottle cages are already waiting for it!!!

Night Train

Maker of Things
Hope things were ok today PP.

I served some time in the same work and also managed a sheltered housing department. Mistake happen, realising mistakes and learning from them by way of improving proceedures happens all the time.

What happened wasn't deliberate or incompetance, it just happened and it happens to most people.
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