If I've ever inspired you, then its

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Fan Boy No More.
Sorry Gaz, but need to borrow your thread for a minute. As have to take issue with Reivers comment.

Reiver, i appreciate where you are coming from. But, you have clearly no idea what it is like to be in that situation.
do you have any idea how it makes you feel?
well, i cant speak for Gaz. But i can tell you how i felt.
after several years of marrage and having everything thrown at me. Yes THROWN, for example kitchen knives, bricks well anything she could pick up. Also ending up in hospital with a smashed nose. two operations to fix it. knocked off garage roof and breaking back. yes it was wife that knocked me off. Again ended up in hospital to repair spine. spent 10 days in hospital that time and not one visit. i returned home to find out from neighbour she haqd been partying all the time i was in hospital. before you wonder, im 6 foot 3 and build like a brick s**thouse. So, still with staples in my back i walked out like Gaz, with nothing. exept zero self esteem, zero confidence and even left the medication given to me. this all happened in 2000. 12 years later and several suicide attempts. thankfully something im crap at. I am now in a loving relationship with a fantastic woman who has spent the last ten years trying to rebuild me. Still not there yet as still run for the hills every time someone raises their voice to me. But getting better.

Gaz, at he moment i am not in a position to help financialy. but have time to chat. I do know how it feels. But , please promise me you wont undo all the good work you have done in losing weight. i put on over 12 stone when it happened to me. and still trying to sort it out.

Best Wishes
Thank god your crap at topping yourself mate

My weight loss won't be un done, the motivation was in part my kids and in part a way to get out, it worries me having no bike tho tbh

It's gonna take time to rebuild myself, but that's something I'm good at abd I have found out that I've got a huge support network around me, I've been isolated for do long I couldn't even see it until I walked

I've got a place of temp safety for now, let's see what next week brings

Thanks everyone



Fan Boy No More.
Another option would be to ask the police to attend whilst you recovered your stuff. Their presence would be impartial and to prevent a breach of the peace.
I can't ever face going back again
I can't ever face going back again

Is it possible to make a list of your important belongings for the police or some other impartial persons to collect on your behalf such as bikes, computer, etc you might not retrieve all your socks or the odd T-shirt but I think that's least of your problems

gary in derby

Well-Known Member
HI mate, give it a few days. im only about an hour away. and have a small van. Also got some time on my hands. would gladly come and give you a hand, moral support, lifting. just say when. im sure there are many others who would also help. So you wouldnt be alone. if to much to face the ex, give us a list and wait in the van. its little victorys that might just help. Wish i had done it still miss my tools. PM me anytime.


Fan Boy No More.
HI mate, give it a few days. im only about an hour away. and have a small van. Also got some time on my hands. would gladly come and give you a hand, moral support, lifting. just say when. im sure there are many others who would also help. So you wouldnt be alone. if to much to face the ex, give us a list and wait in the van. its little victorys that might just help. Wish i had done it still miss my tools. PM me anytime.
Thanks dude

Im making those victorys now with my sed

Watch "Tackling the issue of men with eating disorders" on YouTube -
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uj_SJPH041E&feature=youtube_gdata_player

Feels like I'm rebuilding already tbh, but I appreciate the offer, let's see what this weekend brings eh


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
I've no issues helping you collect anything you need mate, I'm just not much use for next couple of weeks. See how you feel. Any relatives that can collect, eg from your other half's side for example.


Fan Boy No More.
I've no issues helping you collect anything you need mate, I'm just not much use for next couple of weeks. See how you feel. Any relatives that can collect, eg from your other half's side for example.
Thanks mate, dread to think if there's actually anything left, your suggestions have given me an idea tho :0)


I'm relieved to hear you're somewhere safe, at least for now.
Don't be scared, or too proud, to take up people's offers of help.
I think having someone go round to collect your gear is a really good idea. Your ex is unlikely to show her true colours in front of other people, especially if one or other of them are in uniform.
Have a lightly used 105 Compact 175 chainset - free to you Gaz if you want to start getting a bike together again.
Christ Gaz, just picked up on this thread buddy, shocked to hear your predicament, you hide your emotions well as your face showed nothing when we met a few weeks ago.

Glad to hear you've got somewhere safe, all be it short term, but at least you and your child have a base to start re-building from which has to be the main thing.

I can't really add anything that hasn't been said already, and I don't have much experience of this to offer up either, (at least not that I want to re-visit on a public forum TBH).

I also can't offer anything financial due to being on the bones of my @rse myself.

I do have access to a largish van and I'd be happy to help with shifting things around for you, whether that's retrieving your stuff or picking up new/donated stuff for you both, just holler buddy, you've got my number.

Get all the advice you can, (C.A.B, free solicitor sessions if they still do them etc), and most of all take care of you as you'll be of no use to anyone if you let this makes you ill.

All easy to say I know, but I hope you get the genuine sentiment from what I'm saying.



Nr Cambridge
It takes two to tango. Whilst Gaz did fantastically well losing the weight this is in a diferent league all together. I am sure Mrs gb155 will have her side of the story. These things are invariably always messy and end up in a slanging match. Just try to make sure your kids aren't affected too much as it could harm their chances of forming stable long relationships in he future being in the middle an acrimonious and protracted separation/divorce with all the emotion and baggage that entails.
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