Injuries you have done to yourself......?

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jay clock

Massive member
Hampshire UK
Not crashes so much as stupid things or unlucky mistakes

Aged about 12 my Sturmey Archer gears slipped, I full forward and gashed ankle on the sharp edge of the crank arm (the type with cotter pins). Blood everywhere and bruised down to the bone.



Legendary Member
Far Far Away
Spun the crankarm around using my index finger, finger slipped in between the chain and big ring.

End of finger stuck inthe cassette, not stuck to my hand :smile:

There's hundreds but that one sticks in my mind!


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Couple of years ago.
I slowed and stopped to have a waz.
Unclipped my foot to put down on the verge, except the where I put my foot down was a hole covered by long grass. .
Went straight down, bike on top of me. One very painful sprained ankle and off the bike for a few weeks.


Senior Member
Well if we're going back to childhood, when I was about 11 or 12 we were in an 8' allyway at the back of my mate's house with his Grifter, and a plank of wood and some breeze blocks. Everything went wrong, I went into 'slip gear' (wtf was the point in that anyway?) unexpectedly, or stupidly, my foot slipped off the pedal (is that why it was called slip gear?) I went up the plank all wrong, it too slipped and the front wheel went into the breeze blocks, I went over the handle bars and hurt my face.

Another time I was on my Striker in the street and tried to wheelie up the kerb, but failed, and I cut my nutsack on what I suppose was the stem. That hurt more. :cry:

In more recent times it's been nothing more than a foot slipping off a pedal to graze my shins on my hybrid. TGF SPD-SLs on my roadie!


Active member of Helmets Are Sh*t Lobby
Well if we're going back to childhood, when I was about 11 or 12 we were in an 8' allyway at the back of my mate's house with his Grifter, and a plank of wood and some breeze blocks. Everything went wrong, I went into 'slip gear' (wtf was the point in that anyway?) unexpectedly, or stupidly, my foot slipped off the pedal (is that why it was called slip gear?) I went up the plank all wrong, it too slipped and the front wheel went into the breeze blocks, I went over the handle bars and hurt my face.

Another time I was on my Striker in the street and tried to wheelie up the kerb, but failed, and I cut my nutsack on what I suppose was the stem. That hurt more. :cry:

Aaah yes happy days of a grifter in childhood, I remember trying to jump a stream using a plank of wood as the take off ramp #epicfail :B)


West Somerset
Chain ring in the back of the leg after a hasty dismount - was so busy concentrating to make sure I unclipped the foot on the side that was getting closer and closer to the ground that I forgot to put on the brakes. It's a lovely scar...


Well-Known Member
Clacton on Sea
When younger I gave my little brother a ride on the back of my bike, went up a kerb, he slipped of the stunt pegs and landed plumb on the back wheel :-0

He had tyre burn right in the middle of his arse lol. I still cry with laughter at the vision of him bent over with mum applying liberal amounts of germolene.


I've had two that really stick out, both on mountain bikes.

The first was when I was speeding along the taff trail between Pontypridd and Cilfynydd (for those who know that area), the trail was quiet but damp. There is a wooden bridge that goes across on a weird angle, I just didn't think that as soon as the front tyre hit wet wood that it would go from under me. Anyway, somehow both the bike and I ended up in the river! That was embarrassing :-)

The other occasion was when I was 14 or 15, I had dad's Apollo bike with stupid foot guard on the pedal. Anyway, we were messing around on a dirt bmx section, all was going well until I came into the jump on wrong angle and way too fast, I was on the verge of clearing the fence that ran down by the side so I don't know why I did this....I tried to brake and turn in midair! Because I couldn't get my feet out of the pedals I landed and front wheel buckled and the one pedal disintegrated with my foot still in it. Apart from needing new wheel and pedal Dad didn't seem to worry that I had blood pouring from my knee!!
On my old 5-speed as a teen, I could 'hook' the chain back onto the chainring while in the saddle.

One time, my leg twitched as I did so and I got an oily chainring tooth straight through the nail of my index finger, leaving a nice square hole edged with dirty, black cycle oil.

It was jolly hurty and became more so (not less) when the nail grew out and left a castellated indent on the end of my nail.

These days I stop when my chain comes off. I also look after my bike rather better, so it happens less often.


three wheels on my wagon
Fell off one Christmas eve, bent the crank arm and cycled the twenty miles home and ruined my knee, didn't get back on a bike (as such) for twenty five years. Again there are plenty more but that is my stick out injury. Yes a beer or two may have been involved.

Deleted member 20519

Go on, you can't just leave it at that. :ohmy:

It's fairly boring, I didn't get into a fight with my bike or anything like that! :biggrin: I was cleaning the chain and my hands were covered in oil, they slipped off of the brush and went straight down into the cassette - I had some 12-25 style cuts on my fist for a while after that :blush:


Über Member
South Liverpool
When younger I gave my little brother a ride on the back of my bike, went up a kerb, he slipped of the stunt pegs and landed plumb on the back wheel :-0

He had tyre burn right in the middle of his arse lol. I still cry with laughter at the vision of him bent over with mum applying liberal amounts of germolene.
Just sat in work eating my tea chuckling very loudly at that! :O


Lunatic Asylum Escapee
Removing a stuck seatpost I placed the back wheel between my legs and proceeded to twist the seatpost with both hands clasped tightly around it and pulling up at the same time. After a few attempts at this I put some real effort into one last go before opting to try something else, well it gave way unexpectedly and I whacked myself with the seatpost between my right eye and my nose.

Gashed my eyebrow and the side of my nose, blood everywhere and the following day I had two lovely blackeyes :B) ...told everyone who asked, I was in a fight :boxing:
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