Injuries you have done to yourself......?

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West Somerset
Got into a panic when a wasp flew down my jersey when out on my road bike. Failed to kill it when pummelling my chest, but succeeded in knocking down the front of my bib shorts. Frightened a nearby farmer who witnessed me pummelling my nether regions while screaming "die, b******, die!" Suffered several painful penile stings and a severe bruising where it really hurts! (I eventually despatched the wasp, though, so it wasn't all bad news. :laugh:)
I'm only laughing (a lot) because I have had similar experiences, though thankfully nothing as intimate. Especially as I'm overly sensitive to wasp stings and swell up like a balloon. :B)


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I'm only laughing (a lot) because I have had similar experiences, though thankfully nothing as intimate. Especially as I'm overly sensitive to wasp stings and swell up like a balloon. :B)
They featured my story in Cycling Weekly in "It shouldn't happen to a cyclist", just one week before they started giving away a prize for each story printed! :sad:


Go on, tilt your head!
Broke me hand once. Was playing in goal for a mates team and conceded a stupid annoyed and punched the crossbar. Clean snapped the bone in too...adrenalin kicked in after the initial pain and I carried on without stopping lol. Didn't go to hospital until the next day when my hand had swollen to twice the normal size! Sleeping with it under a pillow all night apparently didn't sort it hehe.


three wheels on my wagon
Raleigh Chopper injuries could be a tread of its own, but Crashed mine into a gate after losing control at speed (about 5mph) and wrapped my face round the top of said gate got a scar on my cheek like action man and one behind my ear. Then there's the the time I went through the handle bars after the speed wobble (5mph) oh you get the idea choppers were bl##dy dangerous particularly when wearing flares that wrapped round the chain guard. I would have another one tomorrow if they were a bit bigger.


Riding down a country lane on an old flat barred bike(think it was an elswick)I had an empty 5 gallon jerrycan dangling from each side of the handlebars.Tried to turn around a corner,jerrycan touched the frame so i couldnt turn or pull the brakes.Went straight on and into a hawthorn hedge,spent ages fishing the thorns out of my hands.
1. Turned on grass to go down the edge of a riverside dyke (not that sort!), front wheel went out, I went other way 8 feet down the dyke. Sat up and thought, 'Hmm, not bad', in one of those 'time goes slowly' moments. Then the bike landed across the back of my neck.
2. Going round Rushop Edge and Edale, down a 'bloody ell' steep descent. Front wheel stopped, I went over the left side of bars. Leg went through the frame and pedal spikes ripped 3 gashes the length of my shin.
3. Lost control on gravel road when I was a kid. Slid sideways down the hill opening my elbow to the bone.
4. Front wheel slipped out on that bloody awful dolomite that Doncaster council loves to use around Sprotborough. Went flat on my face.
5. Me and a friend on the same bloody awful dolomite track 2 years later - Both of us came off three times. He broke both his thumbs.
6. Riding my new shiny Raleigh Merlin down my Mum's garden. Hit the bricks on the edge of a border, then somersaulted clean over a 6 foot wide fuchsia bush and landed flat in my back on the lawn beyond it.
7. While on a 25 mile mud-plugging ride, tore ligaments in both knees, was fobbed off by a doctor for 3 months, so just sat home every single night with ice packs until another doctor realised the damage. Ended up with recurring chronic patellar bursitis, knee tracking problems and oblique muscles gone to nothing. Was in constant pain, could not walk properly for months, needed 3 months of physio, with instruction to continue at home for another year. Didn't ride for 2 years. I've got to the stage where I can ride without pain and start building up after 3 years.
I think I'm beginning to see a pattern there, Nigel! :thumbsup:

(PS I'm glad to see that you are finally on the mend!)

Thanks :smile:

I'm starting to think outdoor activity is bad for my health. But at 45 I'm also starting to think 'What the hell! May as well carry on!!'.
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when i was about 8, went down a steep grassy hill that had one of the famous milton keynes red paths at the bottom, the red path stopped to junction with the road and because the red paths have yellow tubular bollards at the end/juntion and the hill was steep, i pulled the brakes - front - and went straight over the handle bars head first into the post.

still not sure if i have recovered :wacko:

also broke my ankle trying a bmx jump on a racer with cowhorns, got airborn, bike went out from under me and i landed at a awkward angle sort of sitting on my ankle but with the foot flat, my right ankle still sticks out at a jaunty angle now - 29 years later. my dad told me i was a silly boy when he got into the ambulance.
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