Kajsa Tylen: The Billie Dovey 81 miles a day progress thread

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Cracking a solo.
That's a bit of a kick in the teeth from Guiness and I can understand Kajsas annoyance. I didn't think the rules which they had set made much real world sense to start with, as has been mentioned no drafting for a year would be almost impossible to police, only one bike unless unrepairable and then requiring video or photo evidence could seriously and unfairly impact on a record attempt, I am still undecided on the recumbant situation though. The UMCA rules (aside from the recumbant and the beer fiasco) seemed the more sensible and it makes sense for Kurts record under those guide lines to be recognised by all bodies, but for Kajsa who's off and running and been plotting and planning for 12 months using a different set of parameters, I dunno, I suppose it's better than if she'd been 10 months into her challenge.

Mum summed it up perfectly for me;

"I think it's shite."


Cracking a solo.
Anyway, an eventful day for Kajsa who pedals another 70 miles,



Cracking a solo.
Let's have alook at the opinion of somebody who really knows what they're talking about;

Paul ManingtonAfter thinking a little more about it, maybe you could ask them to have 2 different types, aided and unaided? (unaided being your current rules, and aided being the drafting and any bikes ones)
13 hrs

A Year in the Saddle - Kajsa Tylen's 2016 Cycling WR Attempt
I asked that, seems it was rejected.
13 hrs

Steven Abraham
I'm curious about any other discrepancies between UMCA and Guinness rules. UMCA insist on riders wearing a helmet and bikes having lots of reflective material, but do not require witnesses to sign a log, except for GPS or Spot tracker failure. The UMCA also require at least heart rate or power data, which I think that Guinness do not. All in all, a bit of a mess. To be fair, I think that Guinness had it set up before the UMCA. Kajsa won't be credited with the UMCA record, unless the UMCA decide to bend their rules very heavily indeed!
12 hrs

A Year in the Saddle - Kajsa Tylen's 2016 Cycling WR Attempt
Steven Abraham As you'd think it would be the other way around, but not so...
12 hrs

Steven Abraham
Given the exceptional circumstances, I wonder if the UMCA would accept your record, given that you have mostly, if not entirely abided by their rules to date? Having helped set up the rules with the UMCA, they seem like a very pragmatic and sensible organisation. Perhaps Chris Hopkinson would have a better idea?
12 hrs

Chris Hopkinson
Unfortunately not Steven. Shusanah asked Kajsa to register her attempt with the UMCA before her start on Jan 1st and she decided not to.
If she wanted to make a UMCA attempt she would have to register it then start no earlier than 21days after it is registered. There are no ways around the rules and no special cases made as others have found out!

Steve Abraham
Logically, I would think that your losses to date, assuming that you had someone to draft for every single mile, from not being allowed to draft until now, would amount to about 2-3% of your total. I don;t know what percentage of your miles so far have been done in company. I agree that it's very poor that the rules have been changed after you have started. From the point of view of someone who has ridden with you, it would be easier if we were allowed to ride in front of you. The choice is yours and yours alone. The way you have been going so far, I think that most would say that you are in a very strong position to do more than 50,000km. That implies to me that you have already proven yourself a worthy contender. I think it's a matter of what this means to you personally. A tribute to Billie Flemming or your own personal challenge to test your limits. I can't see why it can't be both and with what you have achieved so far, I don't think many will accuse you of being disrespectful to Billie Flemmings' record if you do decide to draft other riders. I suggest stepping outside of your challenge. Imagine it is someone else in your position and how you feel what they should do. Good luck, whichever way you decide.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Now that Kajsa's allowed to draft, does that mean that the winter storms are over? There's only the slightest of breezes this morning. Typical. Good that she no longer has to only use one bike though - mechanicals at a bad time could have seriously set her back.


Kilometre nibbler
Now that Kajsa's allowed to draft, does that mean that the winter storms are over? There's only the slightest of breezes this morning. Typical. Good that she no longer has to only use one bike though - mechanicals at a bad time could have seriously set her back.
Indeed her tracker is showing 2m/s wind (~5mph) and clear skies at the moment.
I would not worry as Guinness is better known the World over and they tend to be stricter. Let her stick to the programme as these are unnecessary distractions when the challenge is already underway.


I think she should continue as she had planned without drafting. If that creates a new and unique record, as I hope it does, then Guinness would have to recognise that for its uniqueness. Subsequent challenges would then need to replicate the challenge exactly or implement the newer rules for a different title. It is six weeks of drafting lost, or forty-six gained! Her choice and her challenge ultimately but I wish her well and would love to ride with/behind or in front of during her year. Gez


Bionic Subsonic
In some ways sticking with what she has planned for and is now doing could work out well in the long run. I would expect any future attempt to involve drafting and indeed quite probably a recumbent.

Setting it this way Kajsa will have set an unpaced record that I don't think anyone would go after again. Guinness may not have the seperate category, but it will still be remembered and recorded.

I could see the appeal of sitting on the back of a peleton though, especially after the first few weeks in the wind she's endured


Legendary Member
I think that Guiness has made the correct decision but it has come too late for Kajsa. In reality how many other women are going to see that drafting is now allowed and are going to take a year out of their lives to have a go at the record?

What Kajsa now needs to ask herself is if the rule of drafting was allowed from day 1, would she have taken advantage of it from the start, purely to get more miles in?

Or when it is all done and dusted will she get more satisfaction that she did it all off her own back, rather than being dragged round by other cyclists?

I hope she keeps going without drafting. She certainly has the guts to and I think it will be a much better achievement in the long run.


An Peanut
Personally, I am anti drafting, anti travelling for favourable winds and anti switching style of bike. I think that Kajsa has been incredibly hard done by as she has either wasted a couple of months and has to restart or knows that any record she sets is likely to be broken by anyone that puts in equal effort. Guinness should not move the goalposts during a serious effort.
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