Kid's names that won't make a comeback

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We had a tortoise called Herbert. He would actually come over to have his chin scratched when his name was called.
The smackhead niece of our neighbour stole him (the neighbour told us) but it could never be proved :sad::sad:

I remember my Dad bringing home a tortoise that moved with surprising speed, so Dad christened it Roger after Roger Bannister. ( this was 1954).


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
My partner who works in retail served a John Johns last week.


If 6 Was 9
There's a middle-aged punk in Birmingham who uses that name, I'm sure she's made it up.
The one I met was in Birmingham and she would be around 50ish now.
She used to live in Moseley and the family name, D'Nasty, was in the telephone directory.
She had to give me official ID when she was 18 - pretty certain it wasn't a made up name.


Un rouleur infatigable
I've known a few strange names for kids.

Once met a Cain - and at the time I thought he'd grow up to be like his namesake. Couldn't bring myself to ask if he had a brother.

I bought a bike from a chap whose daughter was named Winter, which is slightly more original than Summer. Came across an Autumn once too. Never a Spring though.

Came across a Louis Locke once.

Silver (girl)

You never hear of anyone called Janet, Mavis, Mabel or Sally any more.

In my class at primary school, there were 7 boys named Lee, including myself. Never heard of any kids named that recently. Thank goodness. I wouldn't wish my name on anyone. It's just... boring.
Once met a Cain - and at the time I thought he'd grow up to be like his namesake. Couldn't bring myself to ask if he had a brother.
My wife's cousin's son is called Cain. There are quite a few about.


Setting the controls for the heart of the sun.
Slightly off topic, distant relatives of mine named all of their children (11) with the same starting initials in their first and second names, for example: Ada Anna, Florence Francis, Victoria Violet, etc. None of the first initials were repeated, so Anna was the only A's. Neither did they follow the alphabet in order of births.
Some of the names I have never heard of out of the bible such as Naaman.
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