Kirsty Boden-Another silly little girl who wants to ram cyclists off the road

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One of the 64K
yes, that matches her Bebo page -

There's an email address for her on the Bebo page but it's probably not a current one - she hasn't visited Bebo since 2010
She's more current on G+
and probably even more so on Tumblr
but I don't have an account and am not about to follow her.

I'm done now before I go searching for pitch forks and burning torches :-)


Legendary Member
. I guess I just chalk it up as a good example of what the new connected age has given us...
Indeed, it's a comfort to know that my teens and twenties era of spoken, written and acted tomfoolery, have gone unrecorded, apart from one or two black and white pics of a gawky teenager, and can never be replayed to embarrass me:biggrin:.


Leg End Member
As a relative newbie here the speed with which these become witch hunts is a little unsettling I'll agree. I guess I just chalk it up as a good example of what the new connected age has given us...
See it as the other side. She's managed to delete what she posted/twittered. This is the side she has no control over. And it also gives a stark demonstration about just how quick this sort of thing can spread, and how far.


Leg End Member
As a relative newbie here the speed with which these become witch hunts is a little unsettling I'll agree. I guess I just chalk it up as a good example of what the new connected age has given us...
See it as the other side. She's managed to delete what she posted/twittered. This is the side she has no control over. And it also gives a stark demonstration about just how quick this sort of thing can spread, and how far.


Here for rides.
I don't think she deserves to lose her job over this. I would not sack one of my interns for such a mistake and only an HR Director without a spine would allow me to do so.

But then I believe in redemption and have kids in their 20's.

And as to the immaturity, and bad judgement, of said youngling, well, it is only matched by that of some of those who have responded to her tweet.


One of the 64K
If they really have cycling directors then I think a sensible move on their part would be to suggest that she join them on a ride and then at the end (maybe somewhere near the top of the Beacon, it's local) point out that it's worth having some knowledge of what you're talking about before you open your mouth. Would seem fair to me. I agree, losing jobs etc. seems extreme.


One of the 64K
In the ducking stool?
You've been to Brighton before...
Agreed she shouldn't have written that but isn't this thread moving uncomfortably towards stalking or just plain revenge?

There is a strong group now within cycling that have at last risen up and are challenging the "bloody cyclist" group who are out there either ignorantly or deliberately mowing down or perhaps even killing cyclists.
This carnage is entirely preventable by a change in attitude towards cyclist by drivers (as they have in the Netherlands for example). I am quite happy to go in very hard against people who broadcast such views and to group them in with Racists, Paedophiles and other unacceptable elements in our society. As such I am happy for this woman to be taken down, and for her to suffer for her actions. Losing her job after all is really nothing compared to what she is freely proposing to do to a cyclist.

We are limited in the actions we can take mainly to connections and links to her via the internet, and so can only pursue the matter in these limited ways. As one who has posted on her employers site I am comfortable doing this. I don't think the motive is revenge but to make her posted view unacceptable both for her to say but also to work towards, or get measures taken so that the attitude she demonstrates is just not be held by motorists.

As a side issue she does raise a fair point in the lack of use of cycle lanes by cyclists. I can see that without knowing or using bad cycle lanes she along with other motorists may be perhaps puzzled or frustrated at us choosing to avoid such "facilities" Sadly she airs her view without knowing most cyclists view on cycle lanes and the difficulties we have with them and why we don't use them.


Legendary Member
There is a strong group now within cycling that have at last risen up and are challenging the "bloody cyclist" group who are out there either ignorantly or deliberately mowing down or perhaps even killing cyclists.
This carnage is entirely preventable by a change in attitude towards cyclist by drivers (as they have in the Netherlands for example). I am quite happy to go in very hard against people who broadcast such views and to group them in with Racists, Paedophiles and other unacceptable elements in our society. As such I am happy for this woman to be taken down, and for her to suffer for her actions. Losing her job after all is really nothing compared to what she is freely proposing to do to a cyclist.

I don't think anybody believes she really meant it; she is immature and she was just trying to be funny and edgy - don't tell me you haven't cracked jokes about murdering someone or some other form of revenge in your life! I completely agree that it is stupid and that she needs to be told so, but this virtual witch hunt has overtones of censorship, paranoia and tabloid style sensationalism all mixed up with a slightly sinister feel of snooping. One reason why I don't cycle with a club is that I've witnessed some really nasty aggression by cyclists against drivers who have merely made a stupid mistake and I don't want to be part of that aggression.
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