Kirsty Boden-Another silly little girl who wants to ram cyclists off the road

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Shut Up Legs

Down Under Member
I don't think anybody believes she really meant it; she is immature and she was just trying to be funny and edgy - don't tell me you haven't cracked jokes about murdering someone or some other form of revenge in your life! I completely agree that it is stupid and that she needs to be told so, but this virtual witch hunt has overtones of censorship, paranoia and tabloid style sensationalism all mixed up with a slightly sinister feel of snooping. One reason why I don't cycle with a club is that I've witnessed some really nasty aggression by cyclists against drivers who have merely made a stupid mistake and I don't want to be part of that aggression.
I see your point. However, when you have seen all your life what happens when motorists kill or injure cyclists through various combinations of ignorance, incompetence and stupidity, "jokes" such as this tweet cease to be funny :sad:. I don't believe in needless aggression towards motorists who have made an honest mistake, but frankly it's sometimes hard to tell when this is the case.

Glow worm

Legendary Member
Near Newmarket
Gotta be this hasn't it...

Ah right. Blimey!


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
I don't think anybody believes she really meant it; she is immature and she was just trying to be funny and edgy - don't tell me you haven't cracked jokes about murdering someone or some other form of revenge in your life! I completely agree that it is stupid and that she needs to be told so, but this virtual witch hunt has overtones of censorship, paranoia and tabloid style sensationalism all mixed up with a slightly sinister feel of snooping. One reason why I don't cycle with a club is that I've witnessed some really nasty aggression by cyclists against drivers who have merely made a stupid mistake and I don't want to be part of that aggression.
Others might think that, yes, she's immature and the prospect of driving for her was very probably a symbol of autonomy and independence. But driving is a social activity and her tweet was a sociopathic reaction to being confronted with the reality of sharing a road. She's not mature enough to drive a ton of social responsibility amongst other road users, particularly as she's fantasising about bullying the most vulnerable road users out of her way.

And, anyway, I'm not snooping, I'm profiling.

Pale Rider

Legendary Member
It would reflect badly on all of us if this tweet was not robustly challenged.

And there's nothing to stop anyone supporting Ms Boden if that's how they feel.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
[QUOTE 3198167, member: 30090"]That segregation ain't the way.[/QUOTE]
We could segregate would be antisocial road users from social road users, though.....
I don't think she deserves to lose her job over this. I would not sack one of my interns for such a mistake and only an HR Director without a spine would allow me to do so.

But then I believe in redemption and have kids in their 20's.

And as to the immaturity, and bad judgement, of said youngling, well, it is only matched by that of some of those who have responded to her tweet.

On the other hand, one would have to ask the question whether I would want someone this naive, stupid or simply thick handling my media account


Leg End Member
An earlier one from her.
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