Kirsty Boden-Another silly little girl who wants to ram cyclists off the road

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Pointy boy

Über Member
I don't think anybody believes she really meant it; she is immature and she was just trying to be funny and edgy - don't tell me you haven't cracked jokes about murdering someone or some other form of revenge in your life! I completely agree that it is stupid and that she needs to be told so, but this virtual witch hunt has overtones of censorship, paranoia and tabloid style sensationalism all mixed up with a slightly sinister feel of snooping. One reason why I don't cycle with a club is that I've witnessed some really nasty aggression by cyclists against drivers who have merely made a stupid mistake and I don't want to be part of that aggression.

^^^^ This. Nicely put Globalti. Agree 100%


Here for rides.
I have decided to challenge her to a duel. I will ride my bike round their carpark and she can come out and run me down in her car, if she has the metaphorical balls for it.

You've been poorly advised by your second old chap. Whilst in these moderns time of equality between the sexes we are forced admit that, shameful though it is, you may make the challenge to a woman we feel it only fair to warn you that, according to the age old laws, she would be perfectly entitled to decline it on the grounds of "too great a disparity in age."

That and you would be in danger of bringing a knife to a gunfight, metaphorically speaking.

Cycling Dan

Cycle Crazy
You've been poorly advised by your second old chap. Whilst in these moderns time of equality between the sexes we are forced admit that, shameful though it is, you may make the challenge to a woman we feel it only fair to warn you that, according to the age old laws, she would be perfectly entitled to decline it on the grounds of "too great a disparity in age."

That and you would be in danger of bringing a knife to a gunfight, metaphorically speaking.
Women don't duel.


De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
I don't think anybody believes she really meant it; she is immature and she was just trying to be funny and edgy - don't tell me you haven't cracked jokes about murdering someone or some other form of revenge in your life! I completely agree that it is stupid and that she needs to be told so, but this virtual witch hunt has overtones of censorship, paranoia and tabloid style sensationalism all mixed up with a slightly sinister feel of snooping. One reason why I don't cycle with a club is that I've witnessed some really nasty aggression by cyclists against drivers who have merely made a stupid mistake and I don't want to be part of that aggression.
If it goes unchecked then she and others like her will begin to think they write and can do what they like... immature groups egg each other on and group behaviour can lead otherwise 'normal' teenagers to behave irresponsibly without thinking through the consequences. It only takes a momentary lapse to kill a vulnerable person.... of course the person committing the act would be horrified afterwards and show incredibly believable remorse but then it is too late and that is how lives are taken or changed forever.

Examples of this keep happening, this girl hasn't learned from the what happened to Emma Way and her comment needs to be addressed with the gravity it requires.

Her parents should be ashamed of her attitude, I know I would be.


Here for rides.
If the cycle lanes of Brighton were perfectly good a lot more cyclists would use them, that said though the road network there is fine people can't drive for sh1t. But I suspect given that she works on the uni campus a lot of those cyclists are students on bikes.
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Here for rides.
One reason why I don't cycle with a club is that I've witnessed some really nasty aggression by cyclists against drivers who have merely made a stupid mistake and I don't want to be part of that aggression.
I find it fascinating the way some ten stone wet through lycra lads become a virtual Hercules when riding with their club. I'm minded of early spring when we climbing up the hill and taking up all the singletrack road doing so, met them, another local(ish) club coming down the hill, at speed, taking up all the road. You could smell the testosterone streaming from some bloke's pores.

Blessed are the pacemakers.
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Legendary Member
Cyclists are just another road user competing for territory so there's nothing surprising about what you have seen. We cyclists have the conceit of environmental correctness to add to our arsenal.

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
I don't think anybody believes she really meant it; she is immature and she was just trying to be funny and edgy - don't tell me you haven't cracked jokes about murdering someone or some other form of revenge in your life!
It'd be funny in a world where this sort of behaviour was so vanishingly unlikely as to be ludicrous, surreal even.

We're not there yet here, and most of us can recount some pretty bloody scary stuff from idiots who've taken it upon themselves to enforce the bits they've misremembered from the Highway Code, some of which ends in uncomfortable slides along the tarmac at 20 mph, with the vague thought that this might be the last ride you ever take.

So, I don't think this sort of comment should pass unremarked; part of the right to say what you think should be the appreciation that it may, indeed, should, perhaps, be challenged, and rebutted.
I completely agree that it is stupid and that she needs to be told so, but this virtual witch hunt has overtones of censorship, paranoia and tabloid style sensationalism all mixed up with a slightly sinister feel of snooping.
I agree that tracking her down in various bits of the web is starting to seem a bit creepy, and going way beyond the bounds of what seems to be a proportionate reaction.


Here for rides.
[QUOTE 3197503, member: 45"]That's nothing. Try a Birmingham critical mass.[/QUOTE]
"They" tried organising a critical mass in da 'Sham. Some people brought their bikes in/on their cars and moaned that they had to pay to park and then refused to cycle on the cobbles cos it was too bumpy.
Bringing it back to basics, she did make a threat to murder an unspecified individual. If nothing else a visit by the local plod, perhaps at work, just to point this out might have the required effect.
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