Lights, how much is a life worth?

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I would have thought the majority of posters on here are serious/semi serious cyclists, after all we come on here to gain knowledge and discuss all things cycling.
But I am amazed at the number of cyclists that ride without any lights at all. With it being dark by 5ish any commuter on day shifts will have to cycle in the dark, and also those who start work at 6am etc will also be in the dark.
With lights starting at around £5 for a basic set do these people put any value on their life, and also the feelings of those loved ones around them?


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
A £5 set is unlikely to be legal and unlit riders are only about 2% of collisions, so shouldn't you worry about the bigger dangers first?

I have various dynamo, solar and battery lights (not all on each bike!), mostly approved to German or British standards, so I can see unlit bikes (and walkers, animals or Motor vehicles). If you have good lights too, how do unlit riders really cause you much problem? The highway code tells you not to berate other road users even when they're wrong...


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
Because unlit riders get us all tarred with the same brush, Joe Public being unable to discriminate between a cyclist and a muppet who happens to be riding a bike.
So blame Joe for a post office robbery or whatever evil crime is in the news about their town/country/job, and if they object, point out that well, you had no involvement with that muppet riding a bike yet they still tried to blame you for it.

We must challenge anyone who suggests that riders are responsible for every other rider. It's extremely unlikely that all riders will obey all traffic laws any time soon and anyone making that demand explicitly or implicitly may be a bigot who has found it's no longer acceptable to punish one Frenchman just because another did something wrong, so has found another outlet for their bigotry rather than dealing with their problem.

We should also challenge popular obsessions like unlit riders or "look out for each other", which are distractions from facts like motorists being blamed for 80% of injuries to riders aged 25+ years (I am a motorist too, but the madness on the roads I see from my car is also worrying). We need a pragmatic approach to road danger which reduces the biggest risks most.
A £5 set is unlikely to be legal and unlit riders are only about 2% of collisions, so shouldn't you worry about the bigger dangers first?

I have various dynamo, solar and battery lights (not all on each bike!), mostly approved to German or British standards, so I can see unlit bikes (and walkers, animals or Motor vehicles). If you have good lights too, how do unlit riders really cause you much problem? The highway code tells you not to berate other road users even when they're wrong...
Wooh there stroppy! How high is your horse? Do you always feel the need to lecture people?
You say I 'worry' and these people 'cause me a problem'
Where in my comments did I mention these facts! I merely mentioned if they spent a fiver on some cheap lights they would at least be visible!


Forum Stalwart (won't take the hint and leave...)
I'm with you, Broughtonblue. Given the price and size of cheap LED lights it seems daft to not have them on your bike.

Although I have ridden without lights before (forgotten), and believe that it makes you a better rider. You then become fully responsible for your safety, and you are aware of any cars that may be pulling out in front of you because they don't know that you are there.


£5? You can get lights for a quid at Poundland.

OK, they're not that great, but much better than nothing. I have concern for those that don't change their batteries either. They probably think they're safe, but don't realise that a back light barely brighter than a candle is utterly useless.

I light my bike up like a christmas tree these days. 2 Fenix torches on the front (one running at 70 Lumen and the other flashing at 220 pointed slightly more towards the ground) - as bright as some of the best rechargeable bike lights but a fraction of the cost. On the back I have a £35 cateye on the seat stem, and another 2 cheaper lights on my rucksack. I recharge all the batteries regularly... The total value is probably about £120, but well worth it as far as I'm concerned.
I'm with you, Broughtonblue. Given the price and size of cheap LED lights it seems daft to not have them on your bike.

Although I have ridden without lights before (forgotten), and believe that it makes you a better rider. You then become fully responsible for your safety, and you are aware of any cars that may be pulling out in front of you because they don't know that you are there.
Cheers, I just cannot understand anybody wanting to ride on a road at night without lights, this morning on my way to work at 5am I saw at least 6 doing this. If they were £50 a set then I could see why people would be put off,
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