Lockdown? What lockdown?

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Legendary Member
I agree, I'm only offering some reasons why we're seeing busier roads and streets than we did in May. There is lower compliance, and there absolutely is some irresponsible behaviour going on, but 9 months in it's more complex than just people not being willing to comply.

Rrecently a map of the East Midlands showing the tier four shaded black There was in the middle a red dot tier three
showing a county surrounded by tier four this was Rutland.In my humble opinion I can’t seethe sense in keeping Rutland in tier three surrounded by tier four To me the East Midlands as a whole is in lockdown
Perhaps the virus doesn’t cross from one tier to another


The Glue that binds us together.
We have a ice parlor open down the road, that is open, is that an essential shop, :wacko:
Do any of these "celebrities" ever actually get fined?
I have never read a report of one.
They just seem to issue worthless apologies through their PR channels.
I have an unfortunate impression that there is a real bias in the way these fines are applied - ie mostly to those lower down the social pecking order/the little people.
The lesson from above to our law enforcers starting with the Boris/Cummings affair.
We live in a de facto Police State. Of course the powers that be can do what they want. They are important. We are not.


Legendary Member
As always, wise words from Oldhippy. The virus would likely prove fatal for Mrs D who has an auto immune disease, and Mini D is asthmatic. Im well avove average fitness, but I'm smack in the danger zone age wise and have male pattern baldness, which is the single biggest genetic imdicator of risk among adult males so I'm also very keen not to get it. With all this in mind we're all being uber scrupulous about obeying the rules, and then some.

People who don't observe the rules are fools. People who try and make themselves look clever by scoring political points from the situation are fools. People who just don't think this is serious, or doesn't apply to them are fools. This illness is no joke, and is now the biggest single cause of death among adults in the UK.

I don't give a sheet if people are sick and tired of it, or of they think the government should be doing something else, or blah blah blah whinge moan whatever - shifting blame to someone or something else is an irrelevance We as individuals all know what we need to be doing, yet far too few are doing it. If we all did that then Boris could strip naked and start wearing a jesters hat for all the difference it would make - the reason things aren't working is because of the behaviour of a significant sector of the population, and thats their fault and no one elses. Blaming Boris or Chris Whitty for your own lack of hygiene and distancing as your rattle away your last breaths on a venitilator isn't going to help - that's the virus equivalent of a dying cyclist screaming "it was my right of way!"

Christ, if Hitler tried to invade today we'd all be speaking German by Friday if this is an indication of how well we pull together to do what's right in the 21st century. And then there would still be people who would blame someone else for their own lack of backbone.

Could not agree more


Girl from the North Country
I can tell you where there are 2 vehicles that have been off the road since Christmas day other than Mrs Slick going for the weekly shopping on her own. :whistle:

The battery's flat on my car, it's had so little use in the last 9 months - maybe 6 trips out including service/MOT. I'm thinking of taking it off the road completely when the insurance is up next month.


Girl from the North Country
But they are practicing safe distancing..... by not going near the bin when disposing of the food packaging afterwards! My early am commute yesterday revealed the typical weekend trail of ejected McD rubbish in the road at regular locations along the 10 mile route :cursing:
This was one of the nicer side effects of the original lockdown when the fastfood outlets were largely closed for a period. The littering resumed the moment they reopened!
I did a litter pick the other day. Of the dozens of people marching past on their walks only one had the guts to look me in the eye. I reckon the rest either think I'm a complete nutter or are so embarrassed that they are ignoring the litter that they can't look at me.


Cynical idealist
I have done similar and they look at me like I'm mental.
Well said Drago It seems to me that as you say a significant majority of people seem to be mindless idiots in regard to covid 19, what do they think they are ? Invincible. Well I just can't understand the mentality of these people. We know what to do so do it! What needs to happen is (sad to say this) but the armed services should be mobilised and empowered to issue fines as our police service must be somewhat stretched. I just hope that this doesn't come about. as it will cause more anti authority among the mindless But hopefully as we head toward spring and warmer weather things will become somewhat better, plus the vaccine Yes We are all fed up with it but surly better to be fed up than laid up and perhaps dying. Thats me done with it now I will not say any more on the subject! :cursing:
P.s Wife Just said to me that the ones who break the rules should be gathered up and transported to a remote uninhabited Scottish Isle with food of course for a limed time according to offence committed Sound like a good plan?
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Just for @Phaeton
Screenshot_20210103-122708_The Telegraph.jpg


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
In Scotland the whole country is in Tier 4 lockdown, can't leave your council area.

Celtic FC are taking their entire playing staff off to Dubai for a week in the sun.
The poor darlings deserve a break. Those nasty other teams keep beating them :laugh:.
Really though; how can this be justified? Lock the lazy useless overpaid morons in their training ground at Lennoxtown and don't let them out until they learn how to play football.
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