Lotto win....your very first action.....

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New Member
South Beds.
What be the first thing you'd do if you won a couple of million on the Lotto....I don't mean reaction wise once you found out.....I mean the first decision....go on a holiday? Buy a new car or house?

Me personally....I'd go on a relaxing holiday for about a month after quitting my job. It'd give me time to contemplate my future decisions.:biggrin:

Roll on numbers.;)


Legendary Member
First, place large portion of money in serious high interest account, enought to give me a modest wage.

Keep stash of cash for nice car, nice house, nothing too expensive, but it's all going to be in Africa, so should be cheap, cos I'm getting out of this place if I win!!!!!!!!


Legendary Member
Buy a bean and a pot to p**s in, so when it's all gone I'd still have a . . and a . . .

Mr Phoebus

New Member
I don't play it. But if I did win, the first thing I'd do is keep my trap shut, stop all the begging letters, etc.
I'd be able to buy beautiful bikes rather than just gently stroke them in bike shops. ;):ohmy::ohmy:


Über Member
zimzum42 said:
First, place large portion of money in serious high interest account, enought to give me a modest wage.

Thats what I would do. Place it ALL in a high interst account, and then give it a few weeks while I am deciding what to do with it.


Say 'Erm...

Then think - sit down....

Then look at it from an outside point of view which I do with everything......

stevenb said:
What be the first thing you'd do if you won a couple of million on the Lotto....I don't mean reaction wise once you found out.....I mean the first decision....go on a holiday? Buy a new car or house?

Me personally....I'd go on a relaxing holiday for about a month after quitting my job. It'd give me time to contemplate my future decisions.:biggrin:

Roll on numbers.;)


Legendary Member
Id go along with the high interest account for a while,im guessing there would be about a grand a week interest on that wouldnt there? so no worries while contemplating my next move.

Tim Bennet.

Entirely Average Member
S of Kendal
Just after I had been handed all the money from a large Lottery win, my first action would be to keep it very, very quiet that I had never, ever bought a lottery ticket.


Rush straight out and buy a new server to host CycleChat on .... YEAH RIGHT!!!!!! :biggrin::biggrin:

Spoil the family rotten, and make sure all my rellies are solvent, and buy a house for cash - yes - no mortgage - what a dream. :sad:

BTW do you have to buy a lottery ticket for this to happen? ;)
Telling the relatives would be a huge mistake, as would telling anyone for that matter. Earn a billion by building rat infested slums and renting them and people think you are a shrewd businessman to be admired. Win money and everyone resents you.

Someone I once worked with left his wife about ten years ago. A couple of weeks later his stepson won 13 million on the lottery. It caused no end of bitterness, in fact the first I heard of it was when I was on holiday and I bought a copy of the News of The World who had him featured in a big story about how he was left without even a cup to have tea in because the ex took everything in lieu of maintenance for their young son.
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