man boobs - moobs - how to get rid of them ?

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Secret Lemonade Drinker
Never mind the vicar, that sheep's rifling through your pannier..!!!


New Member
Surely cycling's gonna help? According to the guy at this site cardio is one way to get rid of man boobs but i imagine diet is going to play a part as well. On the bike your not really using your chest much so you could do exercises for that like others have said such as the 100 push ups idea or things like bench press.


A big part is genetics, though, some people have them, some don't.
I know what you mean. I rapidly went from 12 to 14 stone in about a year, during which people were asking me if I'd been working out in the gym! I'd put on loads of fat around my chest but with a jumper on it looked like I'd been working on my pecs.

I'm 5 foot 8 and I really miss being 12 stone. When I was 19 I was 9 and a half stone lol. It scares the shoot out of me.

Cycling is so good though. Since I took up cycling several months ago I've gone from 15 to almost 14 stone. Scarily though according to the BMI thing I'm still obese. To be honest I only look a little overweight.


Gavin he's not referring to weight gain in general, he's referring to weight gain specifically around the chest. Genetics definitely plays a role as to whether you get moobs.

I have loads of fat around my chest, I'm obese according to the BMI scale and I do not have moobs.


Here for rides.
get to the gym and do some specific exercises aimed at your chest and your 'core'. it will improve your climbing ability on a bike and reduce your moobs.

seated row, chest press, swiss ball press ups, planks etc., got shot of mine in no time.

Ben M

Senior Member
GrumpyGreg said:
get to the gym and do some specific exercises aimed at your chest and your 'core'. it will improve your climbing ability on a bike and reduce your moobs.

seated row, chest press, swiss ball press ups, planks etc., got shot of mine in no time.

go on, how will having a more muscle on your chest reduce the amount of moob-causing fat on your chest? :biggrin:


Here for rides.
Ben where in my post did I say it would reduce the amount of fat?

as we both know it wont but having toned muscle under and around the fatty tissues will resculpt the shape of the chest. plus the benefits of moving about more will probably mean you loose some fat weight in the process. CV work + resistance work + control of diet is all it takes. aka eat less food move about more. however weight from fat disappears extremities first only then from the core generally on the basis of first on last off.

most active overweight people, who are sometimes termed fatfit like me, will have great six packs if only they could loose the slab of fat that covers them up.;)


New Member
Newbie, so tell me to clear off if you want! Was 14 stone 5 last October; now 13 stone 8 (May) BMI 27.5-ish. Have never had "boobs" thankfully, but one hell of a spare tyre instead!

One word = jogging. Just start off with "power walking" for a few weeks first, then just like Forrest Gump you start to jog and just can't stop. Adidas "Bouncers" are a great shoe I find. Some good deals (half shop price) online.

The Jogger

Legendary Member
Go to a proper running shop for shoes, different types of shoes for different types of people. Trust me, I found out the hard way you can get away with £ 40 - 60 for good shoes.

I've been jogging four years now, still have moobs and a bit of a tyre at 14st :-( It's a food thing you know....
AWG said:
Newbie, so tell me to clear off if you want! Was 14 stone 5 last October; now 13 stone 8 (May) BMI 27.5-ish. Have never had "boobs" thankfully, but one hell of a spare tyre instead!

One word = jogging. Just start off with "power walking" for a few weeks first, then just like Forrest Gump you start to jog and just can't stop. Adidas "Bouncers" are a great shoe I find. Some good deals (half shop price) online.


Here for rides.
AWG said:
One word = jogging. Just start off with "power walking" for a few weeks first, then just like Forrest Gump you start to jog and just can't stop. Adidas "Bouncers" are a great shoe I find. Some good deals (half shop price) online.

jogging + overweight = high risk of knackered knees and ankles. unless you're young and feel immortal and indestructible.

Get to a running shop and get the best you can afford
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