"MAN" chores

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Just interested in how people split which chores between themselves and others. (Nothing sexist please!) So without further ado

What "MAN" chores do you do and what do you feel like you do when you do them?

I get all the mucky jobs like emptying the bin, taking recycling out etc but most recently my lovely wife has just started losing her thick hair after pregnancy. Just spent the past 30 mins with hand down plug hole pulling up the hair and the hair cream she tried to dissolve it with. It was yucky, mucky and at times smelly but it was worth it as the shower now drains and best of all I had a big smile on my face doing it 'cause I am weird and get a sense of achievement of leaving it clean.

My wife does all the homemaking stuff which is great and works in our set up
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The Glue that binds us together.
I keep her bike in perfect condition. does that count.^_^


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
Just interested in how people split which chores between themselves and others. (Nothing sexist please!) So without further ado

What "MAN" chores do you do any what do you feel like you do when you do them?

I get all the mucky jobs like emptying the bin, taking recycling out etc but most recently my lovely wife has just started losing her thick hair after pregnancy. Just spent the past 30 mins with hand down plug hole pulling up the hair and the hair cream she tried to dissolve it with. It was yucky, mucky and at times smelly but it was worth it as the shower now drains and best of all I had a big smile on my face doing it 'cause I am weird and get a sense of achievement of leaving it clean.

Sticking your hand into waste pipes earns a good few credits. Unblocking a full WC pan is Bitcoin territory.


Cycling Skoda lover
It seems I get all those chores in the house as well including the full to the brim toilet un-blocking after one of my "little darlings" stuffed her sisters shoe down the u-bend and then decided she required a No.2 :eek: The joy of finally giving in to the fact a coat hanger was not going to work and good old hands were the only tool for the job was immense........kids are great :thumbsup::whistle:


Senior Member
New Forest
wifey cooks so I wash up, Wifey irons and launders so I hoover and scrub the bathroom & toilets. Wifey sorts out the animals so I do the bins. Its been working well for the last 5 years. Thinking about it on the rare occasions I cook i`m still doing the dishes? gonna have a word with her about that.
As for kids we try and share but working nights I don`t seem to get much time.


Comrade Member
Limoges or York
I drive the car(badly), do the financial stuff, argue with people when things have to be taken back, build things, sort out the internet, phones etc. Mrs A does all the stuff that prevents the destruction of civilisation as we know it.


Corn Fed Hick...
...on the slake
I generally swan about in a silk smoking jacket and let the servants take care of the chores.


Legendary Member
I earn the money, she spends it and this has worked for 40 years. I also drive to and from the pub, she says that she does not like driving in the dark ( bit of a lame excuse I think). I also do all DIY, painting etc. which she will lean against whilst it is still wet. In I blame it on myself as I have not trained her properly, what I really mean is I am a lucky guy to have found her.


A lot is shared, but the man seems to do obsessive kitchen cleaning every so often, cleaning grill pans, clearing out the cupboards and the like. I'm not sure that counts as a man chore? He's away half the year so I do most of the man stuff anyway. I love a bit of DIY, decorating, paintstripping etc.


Bimbleur extraordinaire
Back up north
I do the DIY, almost all of the cooking and shopping (the latter two balance out the fact that I work at home, he has an hour's commuting each way - seems fair enough to me).
He does more cleaning, but this is more because I'm a slovenly slob most of the time, and a bit of dust and mess don't really bother me.
He tends to fettle my bike if I ask him to, but I should really do that myself.
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