"MAN" chores

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As mrs. Avalon works about a thousand miles from where we live I do it all, except the ironing. I don't do ironing.


Get up, eats her breakfast, gets taken to work, works, gets picked up from work, goes home, And this is her part continues to work, plan and, plan and mark and work and stuff, has a shower, eats her tea, watches me play with the dog, watches tv then goes to bed and repeat....
I take it you're a house husband, otherwise you must have some kind of superhuman powers.


Get up, eats her breakfast, gets taken to work, works, gets picked up from work, goes home, And this is her part continues to work, plan and, plan and mark and work and stuff, has a shower, eats her tea, watches me play with the dog, watches tv then goes to bed and repeat....

I don't understand why she doesn't help out at home? I work during the day and then study at home but still manage to look after the kid, do the cooking and do most of the housework!

Tim Hall

It seems I get all those chores in the house as well including the full to the brim toilet un-blocking after one of my "little darlings" stuffed her sisters shoe down the u-bend and then decided she required a No.2 :eek: The joy of finally giving in to the fact a coat hanger was not going to work and good old hands were the only tool for the job was immense........kids are great :thumbsup::whistle:
Top tip, if you don't have huge long rubber gloves for this kind of work - stick your arm in a bin liner. The Boy, who is away studying Hard Sums and Babbage Engines had to use this technique when the loo in the student house got blocked. "Did it work" I asked him."Sort of" he replied. "I found out too late that I had long finger nails."


Getting old but not past it
North Wales
I get up, make the breakfast for me and the wife, drive her to work, go to work, finish work, go pick her up, get home, walk the dog, make the tea, clean up the tea, do a bit of washing, play with the dog, sit down for a couple of hours, go to bed and repeat, I also do all the DIY and bins and that.

One thing that gets on my tits is watch all adverts for either washing up liquid or soap powder or anything to do cleaning or cooking the tea for the family, and its always aimed at women!
No mention of cycling on there?

Peter Armstrong

Über Member
I don't understand why she doesn't help out at home? I work during the day and then study at home but still manage to look after the kid, do the cooking and do most of the housework!

Because we probably end up doing the same amount of "Doing stuff" in hours, just that shes doing work after work and im doing house stuff


Moortown, Leeds
I get up, make the breakfast for me and the wife, drive her to work, go to work, finish work, go pick her up, get home, walk the dog, make the tea, clean up the tea, do a bit of washing, play with the dog, sit down for a couple of hours, go to bed and repeat, I also do all the DIY and bins and that.

Who walks the dog in the day?
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