"MAN" chores

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Who walks the dog in the day?

People who care about their dogs?


Re member eR
I do it all. So does Mrs Colly. It depends on who is there when it needs doing. The only exceptions to that are DIY stuff which I'll do and things like remembering birthdays and planning Christmas I leave to her.

Suits us both fine.:smile:
In this household, I do most things from cleaning, cooking, tidying, clothes washing, DIY, bike maintenance, morning & daytime dog feeding & walking (when we are dog sitting - he does the last one at night after I have done to bed), painting & decorating/plastering... He does the dishes & ironing simply from a from a practical point of view, any DIY that requires heavy lifting or anything that is 'stuck' and I can't budge it: but he works, I don't so it's not a problem.

(He does the washing up because I'm slightly paralysed and over the years we have found that things like dish washing are best left to someone who has full feeling in both hands because when you can't tell how well you are holding something, promptly coating it is something slippery like washing up water results in a lot of broken dishes and numerous visits to A&E to get my hands stitched yet again... It is also cheaper if he washes up - we don't end up replacing an entire dinner service every 12 months that way! We have also found it safer if he does the ironing. I have not been able to get my head around ironing with my right hand (I was left handed before my accident +20 years ago). I currently have burns to both hands yet again...)
I have not worked out a pattern to it.
Either Mrs OTH does it or I am nagged to do it.

There is a point where whatever it is needs to be done (empty the bin, wash the floor etc) but I think my trigger point is set further along so it gets done before I think it needs to be done.


Naturist Smurf
It seems I get all those chores in the house as well including the full to the brim toilet un-blocking after one of my "little darlings" stuffed her sisters shoe down the u-bend and then decided she required a No.2 :eek: The joy of finally giving in to the fact a coat hanger was not going to work and good old hands were the only tool for the job was immense........kids are great :thumbsup::whistle:
Surely women's and children's hands are smaller, and therefore much better suited to U-bend operations. :evil:


Legendary Member
House husband here.Seven years retired.Wife hates housework so she works part time.I hate work did forty years and two months of that.So our household works quite well.I have never burnt anything while ironing, yet.And i can do a mean meal.A portion of cottage pie goes up to George the chap in our street who lost his wife early in the year, every friday..Not poisoned him yet.


Evil Genius in training.
Warrington, UK
we take it in turns for most things tbh, loading/unloading of the marriage saver (dishwasher) cleaning, washing.
however i take out the bins but that's because she's only ickkle and can't open the back gate.
i do however maintain her car, she has no idea about tyre pressure, oil and water, wipers, anything! i have to keep reminding her to clean it and even then she just does the local firemen charity wash haha.
i can't even drive heh.


Random Resident
The wife does it all.
I go to work all day whilst she cleans the house and then watches TV all afternoon, then cooks and washes up.

I have offered to do things but she just laughs and says I am useless and its quicker to do it her self , so who am I to argue
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