"MAN" chores

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Perhaps This One.....
So, all of you who own a dog, who gets to do the DSP in the garden?


The wife does it all.
I go to work all day whilst she cleans the house and then watches TV all afternoon, then cooks and washes up.

I have offered to do things but she just laughs and says I am useless and its quicker to do it her self , so who am I to argue
Sounds like a perfect life you have, apart from the going to work bit of course.


Just interested in how people split which chores between themselves and others. (Nothing sexist please!) So without further ado

What "MAN" chores do you do and what do you feel like you do when you do them?

I get all the mucky jobs like emptying the bin, taking recycling out etc but most recently my lovely wife has just started losing her thick hair after pregnancy. Just spent the past 30 mins with hand down plug hole pulling up the hair and the hair cream she tried to dissolve it with. It was yucky, mucky and at times smelly but it was worth it as the shower now drains and best of all I had a big smile on my face doing it 'cause I am weird and get a sense of achievement of leaving it clean.

My wife does all the homemaking stuff which is great and works in our set up

Don't you have binmen to do that?


Legendary Member
I do the dog walking and clearing up his mess once out of bed. Most chores in the house follow a fairly rigid pattern, wife cleans n hoovers downstairs in the morning, I do upstairs , hoover, make beds, do bathroom etc, make tea and toast, then off to work. She nearly always prepares the evening meal, then off to work.
Evenings, she will nearly always make the evening meal, I make nearly all the hot drinks,
Diy always falls to me, but the wife is beginning to dabble in the decorating.
Ironing I will help with, but neither of us like doing it.
Bins fall to me..in fact, most things yukkie, but thats quite right, I dont mind.
TbBF we both work full time, ww both work hard and share the duties at home...now all I have to do is make our son tidier and a bit more helpful..but im not holding my breath :whistle:

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
I do the dog walking and clearing up his mess once out of bed. Most chores in the house follow a fairly rigid pattern, wife cleans n hoovers downstairs in the morning, I do upstairs , hoover, make beds, do bathroom etc, make tea and toast, then off to work. She nearly always prepares the evening meal, then off to work.
Evenings, she will nearly always make the evening meal, I make nearly all the hot drinks,
Diy always falls to me, but the wife is beginning to dabble in the decorating.
Ironing I will help with, but neither of us like doing it.
Bins fall to me..in fact, most things yukkie, but thats quite right, I dont mind.
TbBF we both work full time, ww both work hard and share the duties at home...now all I have to do is make our son tidier and a bit more helpful..but im not holding my breath :whistle:

Try bribery


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
We're not living together full time yet, but we seem to be playing to our strengths: NT does the stuff he's fussy about, cleaning, laundry, washing up, I tend to cook. Once we have a carpet (being fitted tomorrow!) , I'm happy to hoover. We shop together. We plan a veg garden in the front, which will mainly be my project, but NT will help building raised beds.

DIY, which is actually renovation at the moment, we work to our skills - NT does electrics, plumbing, joinery, construction. I do painting, tiling, a bit of rough plastering, tidying up etc, and anything else he can teach me. NT has also handed over choosing decor, but I wouldn't go for anything he didn't really like, so it's a mutual thing.

Once we're together full time, we'll divide chores in whatever way seems fair based on how much we're each working.
Reading through it's clear there is an even split between most couples, families, cohabituals and any other form of together but one thing that strikes me as odd is why is there a lack of people who like to do ironing and avoid it if they can?

Surely it must be great to whack the geeky sci-fi films on and documentaries about cycling while getting your clothes crease free or is that just me?

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Reading through it's clear there is an even split between most couples, families, cohabituals and any other form of together but one thing that strikes me as odd is why is there a lack of people who like to do ironing and avoid it if they can?

Surely it must be great to whack the geeky sci-fi films on and documentaries about cycling while getting your clothes crease free or is that just me?

It's just you.


Rural Quebec
What you 'men' need is a shed. If you read the biographies of many of the great inventors this all happened in a shed someplace.
Henry Ford
A couple of others I can't recall at the moment, Jack Daniels maybe.
The problem only remains how to convince the woman who is the elephant in this room that she will somehow benefit.
Good luck with that.


What you 'men' need is a shed. If you read the biographies of many of the great inventors this all happened in a shed someplace.
Henry Ford
A couple of others I can't recall at the moment, Jack Daniels maybe.
The problem only remains how to convince the woman who is the elephant in this room that she will somehow benefit.
Good luck with that.
I have two big sheds. It's compulsory in rural /country Australia.
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