Marmite banned...

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Puzzle game procrastinator!
I've got a micro Brewery quite near by, and can occasionally smell when they brew up :smile:
I lived not far from the Strangeways brewery owned by Boddingtons in Manchester when I was a student in the 1980s. When the wind was in the right direction, a lovely smell used to blow over from that! (Oh - I just read that the brewery was closed years back ... :sad:)


I know where my towel is
Penguin bars as well :eek:
Never tried Marmite and TBH I doubt I ever will, it's just one of those things that I really don't fancy trying, I might be missing out, but I doubt it ;)

On the aroma front, Warburtons bakery isn't far from me, and in full swing it takes some beating, mmmmmmmmm fresh bread :mrpig:


Is it OK to confess that I love marmite........

When I used to smoke and would go fishing, the juices from lugworms would get on my fingers and bits would get onto my lips while smoking and numb them. Marmite was the only sandwich filler with strong enough flavour to overcome the effects of the lugworms.

Another totally pointless recollection!

Sounds like a great day out :wacko:


Corn Fed Hick...
...on the slake
I love the sound of breaking glass

I love rock and roll...



Champion barbed-wire hurdler
Leith, Edinburgh
I should also declare that I adore Marmite. Twiglets were the gateway drug into my full-blown addiction.

I can still remember the shock of trying Vegemite and expecting something like Marmite. Bleeeurgh. It tastes like greasy vomit and has the consistency to match too.
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