Mates rates for bike tinkering

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North Shields
I would have paid him with some advice along the lines of "you're not helping yourself nor me, tell me how much or you'll get nothing ya big nobber"

This. So much this.

It is far, far too tempting and easy for skilful folk (whatever their abilities, be they practical or artistic) to undervalue their services, and it's not helped by mates or family asking for favours. I have learned this the hard way.
Or. Pay him nothing but promise to distribute his business cards and recommend his services to x number of people.


£20 is miserly IMO, I think £30 is about right, 2 hours + travelling, he won't have regular hours so he has to get a decent rate when he's being productive.

As an ex-electrician and roofer, I always say "I can't help, I no longer have any tools" I do, but I got sick of the piss being taken.

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
If I'd said "just buy me a drink" and someone gave me a coke, I'd think they were taking the p*ss, personally (unless it was an in joke we'd established in some way).

I've done work on neighbours' bikes & generally it's part of an accepted system of favours (one chap lets me have logs for the woodburner, another has let me borrow tools now and then).


Coventry, uk
If I'd told someone that I was doing a job at mates rates and then they gave me money I would return it. If I wanted paying I would say up front how much I will be charging.
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