May I have a quick rant please?

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New Member
johnr said:
I try to stay away from massive generalisations about national groups made on the basis of single encounters.

Indeed. Apart from the darling schoolgirls I mentioned in my previous post on this thread, I've had some Stateside friends from various newsgroups over to stay and without fail, all have been thoroughly lovely, polite, fun, friendly and they can come again whenever they want :biggrin:
At the risk of generalising I've found that Brits in their home country are typically very nice and helpful and patient. When "abroad" they seem to develop that stereo typical a-hole British behaviour. I'm guessing it's an insecurity they have from being so parochial at home.

But then I'm generalising....:biggrin:

Andy in Sig

Vice President in Exile

if you really want to sort her out get a group of about six people in an office, invite her in and let all tell her politely but firmly and pulling no punches, what it is about her that they find unacceptable. This will either:

a. Work and lead her to mend her ways.

b. Cause her to come over all American and flea back to the States for many years of psychoanalysis.

c. Cause her to come over all American, decide she is being victimised and commit suicide.

It's just win, win, win all the way!

Another very good idea would be to print off this thread and make sure she gets to see a copy.


WARNING: I'm going off on one so lookaway now if you dont want to read ! :biggrin:

When I was young - everything was pretty dam great even though I had a major happening it still went great even after getting thrown across the road by some jerk of a m.cyclist..but still it wasn't that bad at about 11yrs....

Anyway, when a kid and his american family moved into the estate...great we thought (america is marketed that great aint yet it really aint so..)

Blond-haired-bowlheaded spoilt twat...

Now Ive always had the ability to treat people with respect and honour upon meeting them whomever they be from a streecleaner (of which i talk with a lot during the day) or a judge...

But this jerk of a child (kid) personified irritatablilty that Id never felt before: it was his moaning and 'Im not doing this, and, demanding nature that really irritated the ****ing hell out of me..:biggrin: i was brought up to be fairly individual leave things as you've found them, clean up to point; after yourself etc...

I just could not believe that someone could be like this...

Lastly, quite a while back I visited and spent quite a while on Italy and I would never on my life have moaned about food etc...ok, there where times when we, our group, would fantasise about a bag of chips every so often but to go around and put that on the Italians NO NO....

Americans are irritating people those who Ive met and read about. Even journo's have mentioned how they miss the food in Europe soo much when noe-pros arrive...that reallt gets me doe that !!!

The problem with america is that its on its own bordered by mainly two countries...thats its problem !

And far away from the REAL world.
Now Ive always had the ability to treat people with respect and honour upon meeting them whomever they be from a streecleaner (of which i talk with a lot during the day) or a judge...

Wow...Man of the people! Respect!
And most of all, Hypocrites.


Well-Known Member
North London.
There was an American woman in my team at work a while back. She was obnoxious and really took against me, making official complaints about me twice. Both complaints sparked official investigations! I was cleared off all "charges" both times and after the second time warned my superiors that if it happened again I would put a complaint in as I considered she was harrassing me!
The irony was she claimed she was bullied at her previous employment. I found her behaviour towards me oppressive and a serious attempt by her to bully me! Everyone had to step on eggshells around her. She was so precious!
She has now thankfully transferred to another division but could come back after a year. I dread any return.
Thankfully we recently changed to a "hot-desking" environment so if she did come back I would just sit as far away from her as possible!
She was a complete nightmare! :biggrin:
(Rant over)


Smutmaster General
By way of contrast, there's this bloke in my office who makes me a cuppa whenever I want one, gives me all his biscuits, hangs my coat up when I come in, opens the door for me, etc etc. Oh, hang on, I have an office to myself! :biggrin::biggrin:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Thanks for listening everyone, and giving me a few giggles along the way.

Re: Canadians - I know they do all they can not to be mistaken for Americans - up to and including wearing their flags in some form or other...

Re: Americans - I hope I'm open to anyone, until they prove to be prat, whatever nationality. I know several really nice American students. I suppose I shouldn't mention her nationality, just as I wouldn't dream of mentioning it if she was black, or Jewish, or whatever, unless it was pertinant to the story. But I think it is pertinant, when someone complains about how much they've spent and the upheaval of moving over here, and then complains about things being crap...

Actually, as I'm now in my writing up year, so not quite so attached to the department full time, perhaps I should take the opportunity to 'have a chat with her'. But I suspect it would roll off her thick skin. I've never seen her stand corrected in any way. And I'm rather mousey and shy of confrontation in real life... Although the 'axe in the head and River Ouse' method has its attractions...:biggrin:

On a positive note, I've been chatting to a really nice Taiwanese girl who's working up there too, and am enjoying hearing about all the little cultural differences between us, helping her with English words etc. Accentuate the positive, Archer...


By way of balance I work for an American firm and yes, there are some complete bar stewards amongst them (especially the New Yarkers) but they are by and large OK and love working in the UK. They have a work ethic to die for (if you like that kind of thing) bordering on the puritanical. As a group though they do have a tendency to be what we call politely 'US Centric' which bluntly means they do what they would have done at home and bugger the consequences. These are Ivy League lawyers I'm talking about.

Having said that, the worse person I have had to work for was an Indian woman. But I'm not going there with a bargepole (and if you knew her, you wouldn't either). Suffice to say the problem was mostly cultural, but it wouldn't be pc to suggest this was the case. Unless she was American.:biggrin:
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