McDonalds and bikes

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"Young and Ex-whippet"

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
McD's stores are franchised operations, so some of this is up to the franchisee.
I have known some stores under some circumstances allow bikes to be brought in, say very quiet periods and when you look like sad old fat bastards that won't give 'em any crap. However other stores at other times maybe different, they might not want to have 10 kids on muddy BMX's asking to do the same thing, so it's easier for them to have 1 rule with no staff discression to get wrong. Also if some kid inadvertantly brushes against your chain and get's his trousers oily he or his parents might not be so happy. I expect the answer 'NO' and am happy if I get the opposite ... as often happens.
The drive through thing is an H&S matter and is not uncommon.
There are usually plenty railings about close by.

Ain't no big thing.


Rollin' along
Manchester way
slightly OT, my local Tesco metro firstly used to always cover the 1 x sheffield stand with the cardboard waste crates, then removed the stand completely, presumably it got in the way of more waste crates. My bike goes into the shop and up to the checkout with me.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
I've tried really hard, but still can't imagine actually wanting to go into a McDonald's.

They do very good coffee surprisingly so.
And their Vanilla Shakes are a classic.

Their burgers though.... no thanks.
Still, I think if McDonald's drove away all cyclists for ever, it probably wouldn't affect their bottom line

(back in Australia, I used to stop at a drive-in bottle shop - off licence - on the way home after a hot summer commute. They were surprised but happy to take my money. Never had a more hard-earned beer in my life)


Oaf on a Bike
My nearest MaccyDs has one of those squiggly bike racks that i think you're meant to lift the bike through, but theyve had it concreted in so close to the wall you can only lock one bike accross it :rolleyes:

They're just inconsistent in my experience, depends who you get. I've used the drive-thru on my bike plenty of times after the store is closed, but ive also been refused a few times too, on grounds of health and safety. Apparently the real reason is that their public liability insurance only covers motorised vehicles, so no bicycles/peds allowed.
Lock your bike outside. I have never taken mine into a shop or supermarket and as above think its a bit unfair to expect to do so. With regard to McDonald's their food is shite, why would you want to consume the peasant food of the masses. As for drive through nothing like join a que for a heart attack
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