moon landings

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Somerset UK
In a minute you'll be suggesting that the Clangers' TV appearances were faked in a studio and not filmed on the moon by a visiting news crew...


Barbara Woodhouse's Love Child
I've always wondered why, if they could land on the moon in the 60s, they have never been arsed trying it again. With all the technology and stuff nowadays. :evil:

I'd love a pootle round it :bravo:


Well-Known Member
snapper_37 said:
I've always wondered why, if they could land on the moon in the 60s, they have never been arsed trying it again. With all the technology and stuff nowadays. :evil:

I'd love a pootle round it :bravo:

A) It costs a lot of money.
:eek: Manned missions are more expensive than robotic
C) Robots get more done.


Formerly the anorak
snapper_37 said:
I've always wondered why, if they could land on the moon in the 60s, they have never been arsed trying it again. With all the technology and stuff nowadays. :evil:

i guess its very similar to the "if you went to Disney land in the 90's, why havent you been back?" question.

and the basic answer is... it cost too much money and is actually quite disappointing when you get there !!!!! :eek:

anyone remember the film Capricorn one ??



Well-Known Member
snapper_37 said:
I've always wondered why, if they could land on the moon in the 60s, they have never been arsed trying it again. With all the technology and stuff nowadays. :evil:

I'd love a pootle round it :bravo:

I guess we will when it's worth it to someone. When it is worth the investment someone will do it - but i bet it's not the yanks or russians who go back.


Has someone opened the doors to the asylum again?

In the words of King Arthur before deploying the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch, Jesus Christ!


downfader said:
The Americans basically stole their moon tech from the Germans. Now if the Germans had been otherwise inclined there could have been a moon landing in the late 1930s, but as said earlier with the Americans - the Germans also concentrated on weaponry.

I think you're significantly underestimating what development was required to get from V2s to Saturn Vs (not to mention all the other elements of the Apollo missions). The technology that transferred with the German scientists/engineers was primarily relating to rocketry and propulsion, and whilst von Braun et al made important breakthroughs in this field while in Germany, the real achievement and the vast majority of research, development and testing was undertaken and financed by the American effort, so saying they stole their moon technology from the Germans rather misrepresents what actually happened.

And I'm not sure the 1930s German economy could do what a post-war 1960s booming American economy took nearly ten years to achieve! Not to mention the 24 years between acquiring von Braun and successfully landing on the moon......


Noble and true, with a heart of steel
The TerrorVortex
snapper_37 said:
I've always wondered why, if they could land on the moon in the 60s, they have never been arsed trying it again. With all the technology and stuff nowadays. :biggrin:

I'd love a pootle round it :tongue:

It really is just cost. Orbital mechanics and the laws of physics haven't changed, building spacecraft is a much more understood art and we know more about human physiology in space.
Whether or not the conspiracy theories interest you, watch Capricorn 1, a film released in the late 70s (if you can spare the time)

"When the head of NASA's manned Mars missions discovers that the capsule meant to carry the astronauts will suffer a catastrophic failure, he forces the three astronauts to participate in a hoax by broadcasting their 'Mission' from a studio built at a now abandoned air force base. Over the many months of the mission, the astronauts send broadcasts to Earth on their progress and all goes well until their space capsule burns up on re-entry. They soon realize that the only way for the hoax to be maintained is for them to die and they make a desperate attempt to escape their captors. Throughout this period, an investigative reporter gets wind of the fact that something is amiss with man's first mission to Mars and slowly puts together the pieces of the mystery"


Leg End Member
Capricorn One.
The movie that was supposed to be an admission on NASA's part that the moon landings were faked. Basically we never went & heres how we actually did it. There's also the double bluff on the part of Nasa. We did go, to the moon, but if we didn't go heres how we could have done it.

Set of 2001 was nicknamed NASA East by US astronauts that visited it.

Forget the Russians & the Americans to be the first back to the moon. The smart money is on either on the Chinese or Indians. How do you go back to a place people say has never been visited?

Some have even used the Apollo-Soyuz test as final proof that America never went to the moon. It was a joint effort on between America & Russia. America was open on their launches, Russia wasn't.
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