Most under/over whelming touristy thing you have seen ?

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Legendary Member
For overwhelming scenic beauty the Italian Lakes take a bit of beating. Incredible.

I mentioned Coventry Cathedral as overwhelming, but I find pretty well every cathedral I've visited 'overwhelming'. The scale of the things, the design and construction, the craftmanship, the longevity, love them.
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Overwhelming: Principality Stadium, Cardiff, last Saturday. Wales v Australia. Must admit to a couple of tears welling up.
Underwhelming: the state of Welsh play.


Smutmaster General
Sagrada Familia (I've been a few times over the last 30 years so have some idea of its development.
The Terracotta Army in Xi'an, China was also a 'take your breath away' moment. The sheer scale of it, the fact that it was made to be buried, and that all those involved in its construction were killed afterwards.
I'm a fan of the Angel of the North, though, but then I live up here

Also Iove the Chrysler Building in NYC


Legendary Member
The Terracotta Army in Xi'an, China was also a 'take your breath away' moment. The sheer scale of it, the fact that it was made to be buried, and that all those involved in its construction were killed afterwards.

Some of the Terracotta Army are coming to Liverpool Museum next year :hyper:


Overwhelming - the Canadian Rockies, specifically Banff and Jasper National Parks. Every turn is an amazing sight and you are free to roam, Park Ranger in Jasper told us "Go where you want, we will rescue you or bring your body back."! We walked over 200km along the trails and could be standing in 90cm of snow in shirt sleeves as the temperate was 28C. Encounted many black bear and elk plus three bald eagles.


I was very overwhelmed with the Taj Mahal which was great because I was expecting the opposite.
I'm with you on that. It being so familiar, I wasn't expecting to enjoy it that much, but we got there at sunrise, before the crowds, and it was magical.


Legendary Member
Underwhelming: the Grand Canyon.

Yes you read that right. Hours spent driving there, and for the first 5 minutes the view was breathtaking. After that, I (much to my shame) got a bit bored and started to think about the long drive back.... I know I'm in a minority :smile: but it's the truth.

Yep, totally agree. We spent one night on the north rim and then a 200 mile drive to the south rim which I thought was a bit better.
What I did find overwhelming was Bryce Canyon. When I got off the bus I just stood there gobsmacked.
I was underwhelmed when I went to Stonehenge. It may have changed, but at the time the closest one could get was still so far away that the version of Stonehenge used in Spinal Tap actually looked about the right size.
I went as a kid when you could walk round it and touch it. It was amazing. Having been near in more recent times and seen the fencing and current setup I have no wish to bother. I'll keep the original memory :okay:
The Grand Canyon was rather :eek:
I had no desire to go there having seen it a million times on TV. However Mr Hop did want to see it. We walked up to the 1st view point and both said 'fark'. We started to walk away but went back to get a photo of that spot. It was truly jaw dropping.


Legendary Member
Did a canoe trip down the Orange River, Namibian/South Africa border. Seven days, took everything with us in the canoes, and it was very remote. Didn't bother with a tent, just a sleeping bag and space blanket on the sand at the side of the river. And it was farking cold at night. Looking up, the number of stars visible, billions, just mesmerising. Fantatsic, one of the best things I've seen. We really are just tiny specs in the Total Perspective Vortex!


Midlands UK
Lu and I were in Paris for a gig during a cold January. We went to the Louvre because there were no tourists and you could actually see stuff. The Venus de Milo was really quite impressive, as it is shown in context with contemporary statues and the artistry stands out. The Mona Lisa however, is small, dark and very uninspiring, I really don't get the fuss. Particularly confusing is that whilst moody Liz gets a room of her own, in the next gallery is The Raft of the Medusa which is jaw dropping, no photo of it can do justice to the drama and the quality of the work.

On a similar note, the Haywain appears on countless table mats and is perhaps the most boringly recognisable British painting. However, the real thing is very, very impressive. Like the Medusa, so much is lost in reproduction.

The Haywain is very impressive

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Niagra falls is both. The falls itself is fabulous. The town is meh.....not. Very tacky, too, many people, very disappointing.


Über Member
East Coast UK
Cathedrals World Cup? A Twitter poll about English & Welsh cathedrals set up by an 'architecture fan'. What a prestigious accolade..... not.

They didn't even manage to 'win' it - they got the same percentage of votes as York Minster.
Bleddy Fake News!
It was on Lincolnshire Life Fb that we'd won.
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