Motivation please

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Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
I'm like you Sale Madrid in that I'm not one for cycling alone. Anything over 20/30 miles and I start getting very bored. I do like company when on a bike ride.


In between here and there
I enjoy cycling on my lonesome, but then again never ridden in a group and couldn't imagine having a conversation whilst riding.

Sale Madrid

New Member
I need some buddies like thwacking golf balls but that really does bore the pants off me :-) I'm definately going for a ride.....after pop master though.


Herne Bay
Night riding for me was the time I learnt how to ride safely.Hills,up and down,navigating through round abouts and generaly understanding road positioning.At nightlights alert you to any other traffic way before it reaches you so no suddern suprises.I am a solitary rider BUT I ride in a group every couple of weeks to remind myself that riding is for pleasure 1st and not just racing around all the time.
Im sure you will find your niche in the cycling world be it TT,Audaxing,Sportives or purely for self pleasure and fitness and then you will be the one motivating others.

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
If you ride at night, when do you sleep/work? ..........Blade?
I don't do all-nighters that often, but I'll often ride late into the evening if that's the only time available. Audaxers do night riding regularly and it seems it doesn't take much to catch-up on the lost hours. I feel better and more alive this morning than usual and I was weed-whacking all yesterday.
I need some buddies like thwacking golf balls but that really does bore the pants off me :-) I'm definately going for a ride.....after pop master though.

let us know who wins popmaster, before you go out. I would listen to it myself, but I'm not interested. There's irony in there somewhere.....
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Sale Madrid

New Member
Right. Pop master has finished and I'm just going to listen to Calling occupants of interplanetary craft and then I'm going...definitely

Sale Madrid

New Member
Sigh....let's go then


I must admit I don't wake up every morning aching to get out on the bike. I had a discussion with the other half last night which went something like:
me: I'm feeling tired. Not sure I can be arsed cycling into work tomorrow
her: don't then
me: I will though, I'm just feeling tired.
her: ok. Do it then
me: it's just I had a long ride today and my legs are sore
her: don't do it then
me: but I should really. i've got a meeting so can't on Tuesday, and it is bike week
her: if you're tired just drive in
me: no, I'm definitely going to, I just do feel a bit jaded

We're all motivated by different things. For me when I cycle in to work it's not about the countryside and the wildlife (although this morning in the sunshine it was particularly nice), it's about how much money I'm saving by not driving the car, and the fact that I can get my daily exercise in at the same time as going to work so i don't have to do it at another time.
When I cycle to footy it's because the 3 of us who do can sit and have 3 or 4 pints instead of a shandy and an early dart.
When I go out on club runs it's because the banter is good, but I'm competitive... I love to compete and challenge on the tough hills and push the pace when I'm on the front. When you get back to the cafe after a really tough run it's a great feeling to share.
When I go touring it's because I go with my best mate, and we see new places and spend the evenings in pubs chatting to the locals drinking beer and we get quality time together that we wouldn't otherwise get.
If I go out on my own just for a ride it's to beat a time on a certain route or just maintain a particular average speed, or try to nick some KOMs on Strava.
The point is, that (for me) there has to be a point. If there wasn't, I wouldn't be particularly motivated to go out there either.


Well-Known Member
Football is an extremely good motivator...........I love it........I remember when I was motorcycling and anytime the euros or World cup or the FA thingy was on everyone would be indoors watching the telly and the roads would be really empty. As there was nothing on telly to interest me, out I would go. To this day the football motivation is still there except that I have swapped 4 cyclinders for two cranks. I quite like bacon butties as well with red sauce and I can eat em guilt free knowing that I will work it all off on the way back.

As you can tell I am not that fond of football, however I am fond of getting out in the open on two wheels, sometimes you just have to admit that it may not be your thing. What about putting something back into football and joining up with a local club to coach the youngsters you will still get some exercise?.

Sale Madrid

New Member
Just got back. 40 miles. Quite pleased I did it but it was still boring. Tennis match tonight so at least I'll be able to get a bit of variety at that and I suppose a bit of biking keeps my fitness levels topped up. How you guys get pleasure out of it I'll never know but given time maybe I'll think differently. I'll keep plodding on and use it to supplement my sports that require fitness as well as skill. Brown sauce on bacon butties....always. Thanks fella's
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