Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Good afternoon from a bitterly cold in the wind Snetterton. I appear to have dozed off earlier on while sheltering in the car and missed a crash at the start of one race resulting in an early lunch break being called to sort out damage and an oil spillage - couldn't get work out for a while why it was so quiet when I woke up 😂


Good afternoon from a bitterly cold in the wind Snetterton. I appear to have dozed off earlier on while sheltering in the car and missed a crash at the start of one race resulting in an early lunch break being called to sort out damage and an oil spillage - couldn't get work out for a while why it was so quiet when I woke up 😂

Because it's Tuesday!
Am keeping an eye on an auction for a Tissot watch that finishes in half an hour. If the price was right, I'd intended having a go at it even though I'm not a fan of a watch with an integral bracelet. But the bids have trickling in at a steady rate all afternoon and it's already approaching the maximum I'm prepared to pay.

So it's looking rather like I'll be keeping my powder dry.

In any case, I scored that rather nice - and decidedly rarer - Eberhard the other night, so I'm not too fussed. I think I just might break out the snacks and enjoy the bun fight instead.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Turned out a nice calm day with a bit of hazy sunshine which turned into full sun later.
Got out on trike for a run albeit a bit shorter than I would have liked but the geography curtails me on this route.
Traffic was heavier than I would have liked and mostly very fast but all appeared friendly with a wave or a toot as they passed. Why so many are rushing towards Tobermory early on a Sunday I cannot imagine.
It could be they are heading for church as I think the services rotate round the various parishes.
A couple of paddleboarders on the Loch which is not something I have seen before.
The photo shows my turning point at the end of the loch as I stopped for an approaching car which can be seen.

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